Mysterious yet beautiful ; desert and the ocean , different yet similar;one present life and the other is a symbol of death , however, the deeper you go inside them the closer you get to death .
_ They say that this place was a mental hospital, looks like it will be demolished soon.Adam (tourist)
_let’s take a look ,it looks more like a laboratory than a hospital .(cris ,friend)
_Look what i have found it looks like a diary or something like that( cris).
_Adam , please put it down .i don't think it's a good idea to pick it up.
_don't worry Cris , nothing gonna happen , let's see we might find something else hier .I wonder if someone lives here?
_haaaah,what are you talking about Adam who would possibly be insane to live in such a place ?,I bet the one who built it was crazy ; black walls,room that is as small as a couffin ,no sign to a living Hunan is hier except for that diary , which gives me a bad feeling .
_well that's make sense ,as i said before it looks more like an expiremental place more than a mental hospital but,we have no choice we can do nothing till the storm passes ,we might as well look around to kill time .
_AGh, it's late and this horrible storm doesn't seem that it will pass any time soon , cris let's just stay here tonight .
_We don't have another choice , do we ?
I have started writing not long ago because I seem not to remember a lot of things .02/10/2021 is probably when all of this started ,it was a cloudy day and I was drinking my coffee when I suddenly fainted ,After that i can’t recall anything ; when i woke up i found my selfe in the bathroom (it looks like i took a shower;i don’t know). Everything seemed like a shattered dream yet i had a terrible feeling so i rushed to look for my phone so i could check the date ; when i saw that it was the same day i was relieved (i was frightened ,i thought that I am having a heart attack).
Today everyone worked hard so let’s celebrate wining the case detective kim.
--yes sir ,it was a terrible , weird case .(some assistants)
-detective kim , don’t you find that this murdering incident and the evidence are well matches perfectly that it looks like it was a planned one: deductive lee.
What did you say ?: detective kim
oh,just forget it ,i think I’m being paranoid.
I remember that I was Outside after a long day of work however i woke up next day early in the morning (05:00 am)which was weird because I always oversleep on my day off my after pulling all nights of the week,i didn’t have a Hangover or a headache.I had breakfast and turned the TV on then i noticed that the day written on the news was the second December 2021...
obviously i thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me an that i am not sober yet ,so i called Lee Song but he didn’t reply ,i thought maybe it was too early so i called tried to think calm down and recall slowly what i have been doing the last 24hour ,but i only could remember the Case celebration, perhaps i’m forgetting things; am i sick ,this was the first thing came to my mind .Not long after detective lee’s wife called to ask if we can win the case which made everything more confusing -what she is talking about,why isn’t lee the one talking,what was i doing after the celebration..-,i felt like i was in some kind of play or prank;i even started to ask who am l , where am I and what i am doing ?!.
-Hello detective kim ,are you with me ?!
-I will call you later .
After that call i started searching my house for any thing that can make me remember what i have been doing this last two months.I wanted to call assistant hong and assistant Jiang but won’t it be weird to ask if I went to work or not , won’t they think i am crazy”i don’t know if i am not ?”,So i decided to go to the office and observe Thier reaction but , everyone greeted me casually as if i didn’t miss a day of work those tow past months.
_Sir,those are the evidence collected by the police concerning lawyer lee’s death.
_I was shocked by detective lee death ,and why i can’t remember,- everything was unreasonable -,I have already got my enough in my plate to think about ,and now there’s lee’s death .
I started looking on detective lee case files and found that i have already took notes about it or precisely the other me took those notes which indicates that before lee died he quarrelled with his wife about her not wanting to have kids even after being married for 7years ,after that he went with some friends for a drink and went back home after that .The next day he was found dead on the street near his house ,the reason of death was accessive loss of blood due to a injury caused by a k nife.the camera of the store near the mudder place was broken for almost 2months,and there was no witness, furthermore,the knife was beside lee’s corpse but it was neat with no fingerprint ,the only weird thing was that the percent of alcohol was not high enough so why there was no sign of defense or struggling from Lee .
_How about searching for a possible suspect among the cases detective lee worked on , maybe he offended someone and he came for revenge . assistant hong said .
_yes this could be a good point but,i assume that the murderer was someone detective Lee knew and trust or how could we explain the absence of any signs of defense,we all know that he was stronger than most of the people here and the forensic report shows that he was afraid or shocked at all (the adrenaline rush was not high compared with someone who is in danger).
_So the first suspect should be his wife ,i think?!. Assistant Jiang
_yes ,i sent someone to observe her actions ,and other police officers to monitor the people who was with him the past 24hoursas you said sir, what left is to search among the cases deductive lee worked on for any other possible suspect .
the meeting is over.
It is already 01:30am, time sure flies ,let me grab some coffee and keep watching the camera surveillance .Why does this man visit Ling (lee’s wife) regularly ?!,..
02/04/2022 ,Once again i don’t remember what happened ,i think that i was watching the camera surveillance however, now I’m on a flight that is going to Tokyo?! ,i don’t even know how did I get on it , neither why am I going to Tokyo nor the person who is sitting next to me and keeps talking about a child who is suspected to be the one who killed his foster parents .The only thing I could do is to go along with him until i figure out what is happening with me .
_ Finely the flight landed , would you like to go take some rest before we precide with the investigation detective Kim:officer Xia
_yes , please. I will appreciate if you send me a samery about the case and any apdates if possible.
_sure,i will sent it to your email right after arriving to the office,have a good rest sir .
Oh my god ,my headache is killing me .Let me first call assistant hong to send me the files of deductive lee’s case ,I have a feeling that the case have been already solved .
( phone call from assistant hong): hello deductive Kim,i saw your message I’m out of the office ,i will send the files when I’m back .
_Alright, thank you.
The whole situation doesn’t make sense, should i visit a psychiatrist ?!
(The sound of an incoming email)Oh,this the new case”they decided to suicide on the same day ,the child was in his room when they committed suicide”
Weird , this child is only 10year old ,but from expressions in this picture taken last year looks more mature than his age and,his biological parents both died due to an over doze of heroin ,also he didn’t show expressions of sadness neither about his biological parents death nor his foster parents.
It’s almost morning , let’s have breakfast and go to the office.
_goodmoring officer Xia .
_good morning sir .
_Nice to meet you detective Kim, I’ve heard a lot about you ,especially how you solved your last case ,but how did you know that deductive lee had a love affair with his wife's adopted brother ,it was quite a shock learning that he was killed because of love blindness (his wife discovered her husband cheating on her with her brother so she couldn’t accepte it ,she threatened her brother to expose him to her parents and to his friends or ,he should kill Mr lee.
the human nature of greedness and selfishness always the stronger .She said that if he doesn’t belong to her ,he should never belong to any one else ,«I loved him but he was a sinner ,so in order to be with him in the after life i should become a sinner as well»that's the last thing she said before she bite her tongue ,love surely scary .you know installing a camera on Thier house secretly was a brave step;they could have sued you for invading Thier privecy if you didn’t caught them red handed.
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