Angel's mission-7
<Fl calls someone to investigate about Zacks background>
*gives the papers on Cora*
Cora (Fl)
ok.. let's see..😏😏
Cora (Fl)
So he is angel...??😳😳
Cora (Fl)
And emotionless....he doesn't looks like that...😒😒
Cora (Fl)
20 years old...🤨🤨
Cora (Fl)
white haired boy,20 years old,and likes nature..maybe he was born on the forest or something .😒😒😒
Cora (Fl)
Wtf... It's not impossible but how did he gets here...I thought I left him in angel's realm...😒😒
Cora (Fl)
Well..on thing to make sure...All my child had birthmarks on their I placed it before living them..
Cora (Fl)
but how I am supposed to see his back..😑😑
Cora (Fl)
Well...If I proved that he was my child...better to kill him than getting him in my way...😒😒
Cora (Fl)
but even if... he's already getting in my way...😖😖
Zack..Could you get some herbs near the river..I will wait you here...😊😊
<he went to the river and takes some herbs..but when he come back>
<He saw the house was on fire and a lots of people was shouting "kill her..kill her" repeatedly>
Zack (Mc)
*shock* Aunty..!!!
<He shouted nonstop just to find her aunty but no one gets out of the house...the people left from their living the small child crying for his lose>
--Well it's a nightmare--
Zack (Mc)
*woke up sweating and starts to cry*
Dan (Ml)
*woke up hearing sobs and crying*
Dan (Ml)
*saw Zack crying and sweating*
Dan (Ml)
Wh...what happen baby..???*worried*
Zack (Mc)
A..Aunty died...😭😭
Dan (Ml)
shh .shh*hug Zack*
Zack (Mc)
(why does this OO have dreams like makes me cry as well..😭😭)
Dan (Ml) don't cry.. it's ok... it's ok...*hug him tight* I'm here I will never die ok...I will never leave you..
Zack (Mc)
Dan (Ml)
yes...I will not...I will never leave you ok...*hug him*
Zack (Mc)
*hug back* *calm a little but still sobbing*
Luke (system)
(host I'm back...😊😊)
Luke (system)
(hey host why are you crying..??)
Zack (Mc)
(Why does the OO experience that kind of life...he doesn't deserve it..even if I know what was his life it makes me sad to feel it too😢😢)
Luke (system)
(Don't worry host...remember you we're there to change his fate need to be strong...😊😊)
Zack (Mc)
(o..okay...*sniff* I need to be strong..😊😊)
Luke (system)
(btw host add task...You need to hide your back from the fl...)
Luke (system)
(if she knew you were er son..then she was going to kill you in instant)
Zack (Mc)
(where does it connects to the OOs back??)
Luke (system)
(She puts birthmark on her childs before leaving them)
Zack (Mc)
( how's your update..??)
Luke (system)
(Oww..I will tell you the other day...for now get into sleep host tou need to rest😊😊)
<Then suddenly Dan heard little snores from Zack>
Dan (Ml)
*smiles* (he fell asleep after crying like that...😊 Don't worry baby I will make sure to punished who ever hurts you...😡😡)
<after that he lays Mc gently in the bed and cuddles him in sleep>
<all of them was on the dinning room eating>
Cora (Fl)
Little angel..where are you from???
Zack (Mc)
*shock* *look down*
Zack (Mc)
I.. I'm from angel realm..*looking down*
Cora (Fl)
Where is your real parent's??
Dan (Ml)
Hey...don't ask him like that you make him remember his cruel fast...
Dan (Ml)
*carries mc and went to MC's room with Mc on his arms*
(ML's Mom)
Don't mind them..but it's true little angel was actually lives on the forest when they saw him....and he was unconscious that time cause the whole forest was food and no house...*got the information by dan*
Cora (Fl)
oww..sorry mom..(so he's indeed comes from the forest..😏😏)
Cora (Fl) I will do something thank you for breakfast..😊😊*left*
(ML's Mom)
*left for work*
Zack (Mc)
mhmm..*nod as yes*
Dan (Ml)
if you are not comfortable at her then I will ask mom that from now on I will personally deliver the food in this don't need to go to the dining table to see her...
Zack (Mc)
No.. it's ok..☺️
Dan (Ml)
Ok...if you say so..☺️
Dan (Ml) was going to central for some months with mom cause we need to deal with the bandits and other crimes...can you deal with that woman for 3 months..?
Dan (Ml)
tall me advance if you like to just eat here in your room...I will ask the maid to bring your food here...
Zack (Mc)
It's o..ok darling..☺️☺️
Zack (Mc)
I will deal with her..☺️☺️
Luke (system)
(host why did you going to deal with her..??)
Zack (Mc)
(It's not like I will let my guard down.. don't worry luke I had a plan..😏😏)
Dan (Ml) was our leave take care of your self ok...☺️☺️
Zack (Mc) too take care...☺️☺️
(ML's Mom)
bye...little angel by cora...take care of little angel..☺️☺️
Cora (Fl)☺️*😏😏😏*
Luke (system)
(what is your plan host??)
Zack (Mc)
(you will see..☺️)
that's all
I think this little angel will use his imaginary fighting skills at fl since he likes fighting scenes in anime..😅😅
We don't know what Zack was thinking so let him do what he wants..😅😅
K bye..