Mission 1 {Introduction}
Luke (system)
First mission was bl Noe...😁😁
Wait..what does bl means..??
Luke (system)
Umm..Bl is Boy's love so you will be paired to boy...and Gl is same as Bl but it's girl's...😅😅
So I can be a girl too???🤩🤩
Luke (system)
Yes...And in this first mission it's fantasy so you had power's...😊😊
Luke (system)
Yeah...so here's the Ml
Name: Dan Hillfort
Age:23 years old
Devil prince
Dislike:Sluts,B*tch,Someone hurting Mc
//Cold to others except Mc and his Mom,Rude to others,Sweet at Mc and his mom,Like baby when it comes on Mc
Wow...His 23 but I'm only 12...😐😐
Luke (system)
Your character will change too...and also your age...😅😅
Luke (system)
Yeah...so act cold if you need so...😊😊
Luke (system)
(I think he can't act cold..😐😐)
Luke (system)
Ok... here's you Noe
Name: Zack Maldives
Age: 20 years old
Lost Angel
Likes: Flower's, quiet,nature,painting,tea..
Dislike:Sluts,B*tch,Someone takes his peace..
//emotionless,always sad,innocent,loyal
Wow... I'm kinda cute
Luke (system)
Here's the Fl..🙂
Name: Cora Maldives
Age: 43 years old but hide's it saying she's 24 years old
Zack's mom but he trow Zack when he was a kid
Likes: Hot guy's,Power,S*x
Dislike: His lost child's,fat man's,poor people
//totally b*tch
Luke (system)
here's the plot
Cora gave birth to Zack and trows it away in the forest near the border of angle's and demon's realm cause she don't want a child...Zack grew with the help of some people who was passing by the forest they always get pity on zack but no one dares to adopt him cause they we're afraid if the child was from the war which is had a machine that if you touch them it will explode...days has passed and the mc loses his consciousness cause of hunger and some demon's took him and sell him on the store...that time Ml found him and got interested in him so he buys the Mc...Ml treated the Mc like slave then the Fl came and starts torturing Mc until the Mc dies...The Ml didn't care and soon was married to Fl..
Sorry...if I didn't explain it well but I'm not good making plot's..Heheh
What...!!!What his mother didn't even know he is her child...and about the other siblings..and--
Luke (system)
*interrupts* that's why it's a mission...you need to change the ending...😅😅
Luke (system)
So are you ready Noe..???
Luke (system)
Ok.. transferring the host to the OO's body
hey 👋 granny
looks old
wasn't he 8 in the introduction?