My Force Marriage

My Force Marriage

Episode 1

It has been 2 years as Jungkook's forced wife. He never attended me as his wife. He always came home late,but I know he's busy with his work.

He rarely bring back his girlfriend, only a few days. He always treat me like his servant,just like her girlfriend ... Tonight,he brought his girlfriend again,Tzuyu.

Tzuyu:Y/N,can you get me some water?

Y/N:Go get it yourself... you have a legs,Then, use it.

Tzuyu: Babe...( she whining)

Jungkook:Yah!!! Kim Y/N! Do it or else.


I go to the kitchen and take some water for her. Then,I back in living room with the glass in my hand. Suddenly,she hinder me with her legs causing me to spill the water towards Jungkook.

The glass broke in my hand causing my hand to hurt, then blood began to flow out ...

Tzuyu:Oh My God,babe! She hate you that much!

Jungkook: Kim Y/N! You bitch! Let me give you my sweet revenge.

Then, he drag me upstairs by pulling my hair.

Y/N: Ouch...Jungkook! it's hurt!!

Jungkook: Shut your fxcking mouth,bitch!

Soon,I saw Tzuyu smirked.

~Time skip~

In my room,he beat me, punching me, kicking me and slapping me as much as he want. When he's done beating me,he stood up and walked out by closing the door firmly.

I hugged my body while crying because it was in great pain.

Y/N: why *sobs* I should marry him?

He beat me so hard leaving a lot of bruise and scratches around my body. I keep myself on the floor because I don't have any energy to move even a little bit... I cried myself to sleep.

~Next morning~

I woke up and tried to stood up slowly because last night's pain was not yet gone. I do my morning routine and decided to take fresh air by walking outside.

I walk downstairs,suddenly,I saw Tzuyu and Jungkook kissing. I don't want to interrupt them knowing that I will beat by Jungkook again.

I quickly walking pass them, suddenly Jungkook grab my hand and ask...

Jungkook: Where do you want to go?

Y/N: W-Wa-Walking outside.

Jungkook:Why do you need to do that?

Y/N:J-Just taking some fresh air.

Then, I withdraw my hand from him and walked out without looking at them.

~Time skip~

I walk in the park until I saw a bench. I sat on it.

Y/N:Why did my heart beating fast while he talk to me well? Yah! Y/N-shii... don't tell me that you are into him. Aishh...I'm gonna be the unluckiest one if I do so. But...

I lost in my own thoughts... Suddenly, someone tap my shoulder very hard, make me startled.

Y/N: Ouk...Kamchakgiya!!!(startled in korean words)

I looked behind me.

Y/N:Yah!!! You startled me!

???:What's in your mind,Y/N-ahh?



BL fangirl army

BL fangirl army

can you read my work its taekook fanfiction the title is popular boy had a crush on me thank you





Was this based of another story because I read a similar one somewhere else



iM a girl?

iM a girl?




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