The Serpent King & The White Basilisk

The Serpent King & The White Basilisk





Feeling tingles flowing through my entire body, I am jolted awake by the sound of waves. Being in a state of subconsciousness, I slowly open my eyes to find myself near the edge of which seems like a humongous closure of some kind but I couldn't see the end of it.



I try to comprehend my surroundings. Gradually as I gain my awareness, I find myself lying on an austere grey-dark rock that looks jagged and hideous. The onrushing tidal waves come crashing to it, morphing itself with the tidal-bore.



            The water in front of me starts rising slowly, and a giant claw nearly as big as a bear's, is visible from beneath, and I can see a dark shadow, slowly approaching towards me.



            My mind starts to work on its own and so many thoughts and doubts arise in itself that I forget where I am and feel a pause. What is that ? Why is it coming towards me? What the hell is going on and why am I even lying on a rock? did a rock arrive in my bedroom? Shit ..don't be silly how would a rock arrive stupid !!!



Just what am I thinking, maybe in a dream...god is this a dream?



           So many questions fly through my stupid little head in just a few seconds and shit, I'm being drawn away. I try shouting for help. But my voice doesn't seem to be there. I feel helpless being forcefully hit by those strong waves over and over again and….












 And tumbling down the rock, I wake up. I am sweating profusely, my heart is pounding hard. Worried, I look around and find myself in my bed, all nice and cozy, inside my blanket, I realize that it was just a nightmare.



           But that's not why I am worried. I have been having this recurring dream for a few weeks now. The same reality that leaves me speechless and petrified for life, repeated in my head daily.



           First when I saw that dream, I just found myself waking up on the same rock, *****, and a few bruises on my body, but slowly day by day, the giant claw that was approaching, seemed closer and closer to me.



         And after today, I am afraid that the claw might just be able to reach the rock I was on. Every time I am knocked awake before the claw can reach me, but I'm afraid, next time I will not be so lucky.



          I shake my head to get rid of all these negative thoughts running inside my mind but this fear that has already built its home inside my head doesn't seem to go away. I try to calm myself and tell myself that it's just a dream ..just a dream...just a dream...



          I throw my blankets to the side and roll out of my bed constantly chanting inside my head. It's just a dream. It's just a dream....



          I walk to my bathroom and wash my face to clean off the sweat, and vigorously rub my face to get rid of the fear that seemed to be plastered in my expressionless face. I wipe my face clean and stare at the mirror for a good 2 minutes searching in my own eyes for the truth but all I see is the terrifying scene of the giant claw.



      God! What is happening? I didn't  understand. This can't go on. I start panicking and scratching the side of my neck to prove myself that it is nothing--nothing at all.



        But the large deep red-stained cut on my neck seems to be so prominent as if I was being attacked by an unbelievably huge bear with large claws.



      As the thought crosses my mind, I slip my sweaty clothes off my body and throw them in the laundry basket. I like my things arranged properly and thoroughly  neat and clean. I am not saying I have OCD, but right now, I am too disturbed by the recent activities of my brain to care about that stuff.



           I walk over to the bathroom and turn the shower on, the cold water run over and gently caress my body, my fingers wander around my neck to feel the red mark on the skin, while my mind race to find out why these dreams are appearing, but I guess in the back of my mind, I know the answer.


















Hey Guys, This is my first story. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.



What do you think is happening to her? Is that a dream? Or a reality? Maybe she is hallucinating and is unable to distinguish between reality and dream.



Jesicca K

Jesicca K

Having the same dream everyday,, that kind of feeling . . . You have a great work, I like your novel . . It has a great story indeed. I want to give you an offer that related to your work. Would you mind give me your email to discuss the details further . .



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