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The Serpent King & The White Basilisk





Feeling tingles flowing through my entire body, I am jolted awake by the sound of waves. Being in a state of subconsciousness, I slowly open my eyes to find myself near the edge of which seems like a humongous closure of some kind but I couldn't see the end of it.



I try to comprehend my surroundings. Gradually as I gain my awareness, I find myself lying on an austere grey-dark rock that looks jagged and hideous. The onrushing tidal waves come crashing to it, morphing itself with the tidal-bore.



            The water in front of me starts rising slowly, and a giant claw nearly as big as a bear's, is visible from beneath, and I can see a dark shadow, slowly approaching towards me.



            My mind starts to work on its own and so many thoughts and doubts arise in itself that I forget where I am and feel a pause. What is that ? Why is it coming towards me? What the hell is going on and why am I even lying on a rock? did a rock arrive in my bedroom? Shit ..don't be silly how would a rock arrive stupid !!!



Just what am I thinking, maybe in a dream...god is this a dream?



           So many questions fly through my stupid little head in just a few seconds and shit, I'm being drawn away. I try shouting for help. But my voice doesn't seem to be there. I feel helpless being forcefully hit by those strong waves over and over again and….












 And tumbling down the rock, I wake up. I am sweating profusely, my heart is pounding hard. Worried, I look around and find myself in my bed, all nice and cozy, inside my blanket, I realize that it was just a nightmare.



           But that's not why I am worried. I have been having this recurring dream for a few weeks now. The same reality that leaves me speechless and petrified for life, repeated in my head daily.



           First when I saw that dream, I just found myself waking up on the same rock, *****, and a few bruises on my body, but slowly day by day, the giant claw that was approaching, seemed closer and closer to me.



         And after today, I am afraid that the claw might just be able to reach the rock I was on. Every time I am knocked awake before the claw can reach me, but I'm afraid, next time I will not be so lucky.



          I shake my head to get rid of all these negative thoughts running inside my mind but this fear that has already built its home inside my head doesn't seem to go away. I try to calm myself and tell myself that it's just a dream ..just a dream...just a dream...



          I throw my blankets to the side and roll out of my bed constantly chanting inside my head. It's just a dream. It's just a dream....



          I walk to my bathroom and wash my face to clean off the sweat, and vigorously rub my face to get rid of the fear that seemed to be plastered in my expressionless face. I wipe my face clean and stare at the mirror for a good 2 minutes searching in my own eyes for the truth but all I see is the terrifying scene of the giant claw.



      God! What is happening? I didn't  understand. This can't go on. I start panicking and scratching the side of my neck to prove myself that it is nothing--nothing at all.



        But the large deep red-stained cut on my neck seems to be so prominent as if I was being attacked by an unbelievably huge bear with large claws.



      As the thought crosses my mind, I slip my sweaty clothes off my body and throw them in the laundry basket. I like my things arranged properly and thoroughly  neat and clean. I am not saying I have OCD, but right now, I am too disturbed by the recent activities of my brain to care about that stuff.



           I walk over to the bathroom and turn the shower on, the cold water run over and gently caress my body, my fingers wander around my neck to feel the red mark on the skin, while my mind race to find out why these dreams are appearing, but I guess in the back of my mind, I know the answer.


















Hey Guys, This is my first story. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.



What do you think is happening to her? Is that a dream? Or a reality? Maybe she is hallucinating and is unable to distinguish between reality and dream.

The Past: Trekking and The Breakup

My name is Maira Sawyer.  I am 21 years old. I've just recently completed my third year of college and am in my last year. I grew up in the outskirts of a small town named Willowshire.



          Growing up I had no parents, my grandmother, Lola Sawyer,  used to take care of me since I can remember. Lola told me my parents died in a car accident, but in the back of my mind, I always felt as if my parent's death was not an accident rather something mysterious that I wanted to unravel.



         I had a normal childhood, except for the parent part, but it never bothered me because I am acquainted with how my life is. I only ever saw them in the albums that my grandma kept locked up in the storeroom.



         I consider myself prosperous because I have my grandmother with me. I also have a group of friends who always remain by my side and I adore them to death.



When the summers rolled in, my friends and I planned a trekking trip to a mountain near our town's end.





The Red Gryphs Mountain, as it was named, had some kind of superstitious myth going on or so we have heard since our childhood. And that's been passed down generation after generation with stories of people vanishing miraculously, monsters and what not !! and thus been warned to never visit anywhere near that area.





     But being the rebellious teenagers that I and my friends were, we decided to explore the idea of the haunted myth and to prove it wrong. And thus our journey began to be an awesome adventure that we all hoped for.





At the bottom edge of the mountain, all seven of us gathered together collecting the resources each thought would be necessary for the journey ahead.



Ah ..let me introduce.





Lucas Grey, overly nerdy with his calm serene looks, though a handsome human always preferring white-grey-black, was also the Head of the College Student Council. I don't why but he chose me. That is he has been my boyfriend for 2 years now. I know I'm lucky...don't need to mention it.





Then there are the twins, one of my favourite people born on earth that I couldn't have lived without.





Everette Dante and Georgia Dante.



  Both have platinum blonde hair with a rare but beautiful set of heterochromatic eyes that are low red and green.





     Everette having a shy personality with his greek blessed body with having slight to no interaction with the opposite sex.





   And then there is Georgia, the complete opposite of her brother, being outgoing and always on the flirt mode, but both with the biggest kindest heart ever. We have been best friends since we were babies wearing napkins. Our fathers worked as partners in the same company.





      Zen West, with his dazzling blue eyes, chiseled sharp jawline, high and classy reputation and also the college football captain, also belongs to the group.





           You can say the typical playboy character in every high school drama. Yep, that's him. But what can I say, he fits perfectly in the group and is a lethargic but wonderful friend.





     Ryder White and Ember Maverick being the hottest couple on the campus always making out (**making us all gag in response**)\, the future prom king and queen of the campus as everyone knows them.





Sometimes showing up their faces when they are not in the heat of the moment, are also with us.





   After having checked all our necessities, we strolled towards the split rail fence outing the mountain. Slowly throwing our baggage over and then climbing abort ourselves, we walked through the railing and found the pathway separating the night mist that grabbed at the ankle of the mountain towards the innermost feared region rumoured.





        With our heavy footsteps, we randomly started seeking a place to set up our camp and rest for the night. The nirvana quietness of the place has already been disturbed by our loud chattering and snapping of our shoes with dry but moist leaves scattered throughout our path.



" Hey, let's just set up the camp here. We don't have to go any further at the moment. We can get up at dawn for the hike. What say, guys? " ..spout out Zen, always the scared one I guess.





Everyone snickered. Georgia immediately climbed the first branch of the tree and pretending to look far away said .." Uh oh...I guess the scary one already got you Zen. Have you pissed yourself yet? ".





Zen slipped behind her and pulled her leg from her spot making her scream and fall on the ground. Bending slightly towards her sarcastically replied.." Now let's see who is the scary one."



 And thus the bickering war between the two started.





I was so glad to be a part of this family-this group of friends that chose me. I smiled and looked over to Ember and yes, there she was getting drily humped by Ryder with her back to the tree.





 Ugh..they could start anywhere irrespective of the time and place. The sight has become quite common for me to get bothered about.





          Grazing over to Lucas, he was looking at them with disgust, as if he wanted to rip them apart. He could never digest their makeouts. Slipping my hands around him and peeking at his gorgeous face, I said.





" I feel like the only normal ones are we and yeah, Eve(short for Everette) too, always with his sullen face ".





As if being snapped to reality, Lucas turned towards me and then sneaking a peek at the couple who can't keep their hands to themselves said.





" Yeah, I guess. Let's get out of here. "



He caught hold of my wrist and moved towards a quieter place. He suddenly turned me and pulled me to him. A gasp left my lips as my front clashed with his.



" What are you doing? "



He didn't answer but crushed his lips to mine roughly and squeezed my hips hard enough for me to open my mouth. I moaned in response. Without warning, he ****** his tongue into my small cavern and savoured me like a hungry beast.



His hands roamed my back and then stayed at the nape of my neck. He grabbed a bunch of hair and jerked it back harshly. I whimpered but in anticipation, I stared at his light blue eyes that shined by the effect of the moonlight.



Something about the way he looked at me made me uncomfortable but I stayed in silence.



His warm breath mixed with mine and after a few seconds of literally staring at each other, he groaned and closed his eyes and pushed me back.



Startled by his force, I almost fell to the ground but I stabilised myself soon enough.



" What the hell Luke? Why did you push me away? Are you okay? "



The silence was all I heard. He opened his eyes and looked at me with such an expression that I was not able to comprehend. He held his face in his hands and then slicked back his hair a bit and just scanned the surroundings as if to check on the presence of any beings and uttered the words I never thought I would hear from him.



" I can't do this anymore Maira. I just can't ". It felt like I was hallucinating. I reached out to hold his hands but he moved away from me.



" What are you talking about? Speak to me. Is something wrong? "



" no no--nothing's wrong. I just can't be with you like this. I don't feel like myself anymore. I want to break up, Maira. "



I looked comically to him and imagined him silently snickering as if to tease me, mock me but no, he seemed dead serious.



Something was wrong. My Luke would never say something like this to me, he loves me.



" Are you crazy, Luke? We have been together and happy all this time. You can't break up with me. I know something is going on. Tell me and we can solve it together. We have always been a strong couple, just tell me. "



At this moment, I was already a crying mess, choking on every word I uttered.



" No Maira, you don't understand. I'm saying, I don't want this. I have suffered enough and I can't go on. I'm sorry but I just can't "



My legs buckled and nothing activated me anymore. I couldn't even feel my self but I gathered up some joules of energy and picked myself up. I tried to touch him, for my comfort but he slapped my hands away.



" Why, w--why are you doing this? I know you don't mean it. Is this some sort of prank? yeah, it must be. " I laughed a bit and patted my wet teary face but he grabbed my arm and pulled me abruptly towards him.



" Don't you get it? Just stop okay. Just stop. I hate it when you just don't get it in your head once I say anything one time. Well, let me tell you again and very clearly.

Look at me. Look at me, dammit. I want to break up with you, Maira. I don't love you anymore. I have never loved you. You were just there giving me attention when nobody did. That's all, I guess I was just giving back the favour. "



And threw me to the rocky surface of the ground and walked away, leaving a mess of me behind. I cried and cried for how long, I can't remember but then fell asleep the same way.










"Maira...Maira...come on wake up...Maira...shit. Gia, She is hot, we have to take her back."



Eve, what was he doing here? I know I'm hot.



"No, we can't. Look, now it's after midnight and we won't be able to find our way back to the car, and it looks like she has a fever. Let's--let's just put her in the tent and cover her with blankets, We can go back in the morning."



Oh, I was hot-hot. I was able to hear them but felt so drained to even open my eyes or speak. So I kept quiet. I let Eve pick me up and take me to the tent.



I didn't hear anyone else. Everyone must be sleeping. Gia(short for Georgia) pulled me inside my sleeping bag and covered me with blankets.



" Sleep tight princess. I will be back for you in the morning ".



The twins always called me princess, whenever I asked they would thoroughly reply "You are our princess, Maira" and every time that happened it would give me creeps. I suppose that's their twin thing.



Gia kissed me on the forehead and went away. After a few moments, I felt another kiss on both of my cheeks.



" Why were you crying, Maira? You know you always get high whenever you cry badly. Get well and tell me everything tomorrow okay. I will rip apart anyone who has hurt you. I promise you that. Good night princess. "



He pecked me on the forehead and then he also went away. I was crying, I tried to remember why.






























Hello guys,



Hope now you feel a bit curious about why Lucas broke up with Maira even after being with her for about 2 years?



Let me know what you think of Maira and her friends.



I love Zen and Georgia. What is your favourite character yet?

The Past: My Abductor

He broke up with me. All his words echoed down on me at once. He said he never loved me, he was suffering. Why would he say that? We were always happy. Why did he say that?



The storm started again but unlike others I embraced it. Soon after what felt like hours, I decided to confront him, to actually ask him for his reasons.



I slipped out of the sleeping bag searching for my phone. 3:46am, ungodly hour but I didn't care. I had to get some answers. I rolled out of my tent towards Lucas' tent, glad that one of the twins was not on their patrol duties.










"Luke… Luke ...Luke…God! Luke! wake up"



No answer. I called him on the phone but his ringtone was heard somewhere from the deep forest. I called him again and tried to follow the sound.



Rustling and crumbling sound embodied me while I walked to my destination. Soon enough I was able to find him. He was talking to someone. I proceeded towards him but hid myself behind a tree trunk when he started to speak.



I was close enough so I could easily eavesdrop on the conversion he was having with a stranger.



" You know if you wanted me to do this then you should have done it cannot imagine how clingy she is. She just won't stop talking and babbling. Ughhh…..2 years Em ..2 years. This was a torture, even today when I broke up with her, she won't stop talking. I felt like strangling her to the tree or something. "



Who was this Em? We called Ember as no can't be. She is with Ryder.



" Relax Luke, you know this was necessary or we wouldn't be where we are now. She is the key to everything we want. "



Her voice was familiar. Ember!! no no ..why---she just can't. Why would she do this?



"Oh for the love of Lucifer! She can't be the key. She's just a spoiled little brat that wants attention, that's all"



"Have some decency Luke. She was your girlfriend"



"Yeah, mock me all you want but now it's my turn "



He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him, she gasped and slowly and sensually trailing her hands from his chest to his collarbone, she pinched him there Luke groaned in pain and pleasure.



Em licked the now formed red hickey and gave a long stroke lick along his collarbone, and slipped her hand around his neck, grabbing his hair, pulled him to her and French kissed him. Luke grabbed her hips and lifted her up without breaking their tongue twister and pushed her roughly against the tree.



She hissed because of the pain from hitting her back and pushed his face away to trail down fiery wet kisses down his jawline to his neck and sucked at the joint of the neck and collarbone.



Luke dropped her to the ground and while caressing her cheeks said..



" We would be having a lot of fun if only you didn't stick with that dirty face all the time. What do you even see in him? "



All this while I was staring at them like a stalker, too shocked to even make a sound or move an inch.



Em grabbed his chin harshly and moving close to his ears said..



" You have no right to question me. You are just my bitch and you will do as I say. I can have fun with whoever I want. Besides, I have work for him. And just because I let you touch me, it doesn't mean you have any right to question me. " and walked away from him.



Luke stood stunned for a few seconds and then ran along following her like a puppy.







After they both were out of my sight, my knees became wobbly and I placed my hands on the tree in front of me for support. Turning around, I slipped down, bringing my knees to the chest, crouched down like a child and looked far.



All this while, what was happening? Has Luke been cheating on me all this time? Or it just started recently. But he loved me, took care of me, and showed affection. Did Em manipulate him? But why would she ? I have never seen her and Ryder apart even for a second. They looked so in love.



Ugh.. it is so confusing. Luke and Em together, it just doesn't make sense. And if they liked each other then why be apart pretending to be with other people? Millions of questions swirled through my head and doubts and accusations started building up against everyone around me.



Were they pretending to be my friends? But why, I don't have anything to offer. Neither money nor power.



When I realised that my head was almost at the verge of combusting, I decided to run the emotions off. I stood straight and dusting my body off the remnants of the soil and dirt, flexing my body for the move, I ran.



Pushing my feet to run at my threshold, tearing apart the thick cover of cold foggy air and running past it, jumping over broken branches of the fallen canopy, sliding my hands to move through the slanted body of the soft tender frame, I bolted to an unknown destiny.



My feets didn't know how to stop. My legs were moving cautiously, as if they had a brain of their own. The sounds that I could fathom were the crispy sound that each footstep of mine made and the distant hooting and howling sounds.



Overpowering all these was the pounding of my heart. It was melancholy dark. I looked ahead, tall and short, all my hurdles seemed to move away giving me the space I needed. Whenever my lungs felt the lack of air, I stopped, took three-four deep breaths and sprinted again.



Throughout the clock, my mind was blank. I could feel the rush and adrenaline flowing through every nerve of my body. The tightening of the chest didn't go unnoticed but I forced myself to the point where I couldn't move anymore. My steps stilled and I stumbled upon the twigs, and rolled on the ground round and round until,








Lifting myself up to the surface, I gasped for air. Shuttering my eyes to get rid of the water droplets in it. Pushing my hair to the back, I looked around. Until now I didn't even realise I cannonballed into a lake.





" Stupid brain ", I thought.





        " It's yours, " my brain replied sarcastically.





" As if you are any better than me, don't think yourself highly 'cause you ain't "





 " Atleast i m better than you. Instead of arguing with me, you should look around. Maybe you are dead. "





  " Dead!!.. no it can't "





and just then I took a look around me, getting out of my inner conversation.





    Smooth, oval rocks lined the bank of which seemed to be a very personal secret lake. The lake seemed sky-line silver but It was peaceful and still. The only disturbance was from the waterfall ahead. Oh! This was the most beautiful and mesmerizing view I had ever seen. The waterfall was Atlantis-blue, glistening and shining like soft diamond, drizzling onto the rocks lined across its sides. The blissful pool that formed due to the gushing and pounding of water at the bottom was varnish clear. It looked divine. The slanted trees and flowers growing side by side the blue satin wall of water seemed to be nodding in approval.





         The cold wind followed by the burst of those diamonds gushed past me making me shudder in response. I couldn't resist.  I swam towards ecstasy, rippling through the water streams that supported my flow. Reaching the fall, I slowly pushed my hands out. The water was so cold.





       Lost in its beauty and feeling bubbly in my heart, I played with the water like a child.





       Suddenly something grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, spoiling the marvel scene in front of me. I shrieked and opened my eyes that shut itself due the sudden intervention. Quivering and shivering, I composed myself to look at the guilty party. But to no avail. There was nothing, no one but the darkness that surrounded me.





My heart was pounding like a drum in my chest and couldn't think or reason with the circumstance that I was pulled into. I was not terrified per say because somewhere in my heart I knew I was safe here.





I looked back and tried to reach the blue satin wall of water as it swished down. But nothing. Absolutely vacuum. Even the air seemed to be sucked out of this place in horror.





      I could definitely hear the profound pounding of the water but I couldn't reach it. I tried reaching out crawling from one space to another but there was nothing, blank.





" Use your voice idiot. " I heard my brain say.





" Oh!! "





" Oh!! Oh was all you could gather. Just shout, you dumb-dumber-dumbest. I wish there were better words to describe you"





" Alright alright. I got it. I will shout. But who is gonna come to help in a vacuum? "





"Just do it already." My brain seemed to have given up on me.





    Why am I always having conversations with myself? People would pick me up and drop me in the trash if they knew. God help me! They would send me to an asylum. Yeah, I'm an idiot.





"Hello!! Is someone here? Can anyone hear me?"





... Pin Drop silence…





I tried again. "Hello, someone grabbed my hand. I know you are here. Please can you show yourself. It's terrifying here alone in the dark."





Shuffling sounds and light footsteps were heard. I mentally prepared for whatever was to come because somehow I knew it may not be human. Or maybe I just read too many nonsense fantasy novels. Uh oh...not nonsense but non-sense. I know you get it.



  I was about to meet my abductor.



      All of a sudden, I felt a presence. It triggered the primal fright reaction or something like that. The hair on the back of my neck stood and a massive flow of adrenaline  shot through me like a drug and made me all warm inside. Its smell hit me strongly. I breathed in and sighed with content. God whatever it was, it smelled divine. Pondering about it a bit, Ah..I got it. Cinnamon and rosemary with a strong hint of ocean. Hmm. And I was in love with it in an instant.





 I really should get a perfume of this scent. Cinnamon and rosemary. But isn't it a weird combo? It's a mountain full of wild plants for heaven's sake. Obviously there would be a combination of lots and lots of wonderful smells. I wonder if my abductor lives here or just came for a stroll and found this lake like I did.







I could hear heavy breathing facing me, and after a couple of minutes, I deftly reached for its source. The light touch of my hand on the stranger's body ignited red-blue flames in me and felt as if someone had set a slow and steady match beneath my centre, deep in the pit of my stomach.









    The stranger didn't complain. Thus, the excitement of exploration took over me and my hands started to move on its own accord. I reached up, tracing its skin, a bit hairy but muscular, and reached at a small pit hole of some sort.





 " Ah, it's a neck. ".





Hissing and groaning, the stranger took hold of hand and stilled. It didn't speak or remove my hands from its place. I knew it was staring at me.





I exclaimed,  "Don't stare too hard, you will dig a hole through my brain. "



















Uh..Oh... Lucas was cheating on Maira with Ember. Then why was Ember with Ryder? Why did Ember call Luke as his bitch? Why involve Maira in their game? Did Ember and Lucas plan these all along?



Hope you are loving the plot till now.

Let me know what you think.



What do you think the stranger is like? Is he dangerous? Should Maira fear him instead of getting attracted to him?



What do you think guys? Let me know in the comments.

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