Lord Of Eternal Forest

Lord Of Eternal Forest

A Chance Encounter

John meandered through the neighborhood, his gaze drawn to a colorful stall overflowing with fruit. A frail old lady sat beside it, her weathered hands resting on the worn wooden table.

"M-My Lord John," she stammered, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

John stopped, a smile softening his features. "Relax, granny. I'm not here for rent this time. Just taking a walk. Mind if I grab a pear? Feeling a bit peckish, you see."

The old lady's eyes widened. "N-No, no, of course not, My Lord. Take one, or two, if you like."

John chuckled, selecting a pear and turning it over in his hand. "Appreciate it, granny. Here, this should cover it." He fished a coin from his worn purse.

The old lady hesitated. "W-What is this for, My Lord?" Her gaze flickered down at the meager offering, then back to John's face. Her brow furrowed in confusion.

"The pear, granny. Don't tell me you think I'm some kind of ruffian who eats without paying." John's smile faltered slightly. "Why the stutter anyway? Am I scaring you?"

The old lady shook her head rapidly. "N-No, My Lord. Thank you! You're our first customer today. I-It's an honor," she stammered, a touch of flattery creeping into her voice.

John boomed a laugh. "Haha, don't sweat the small stuff, alright? See you arou—"

A sharp voice sliced through the air, halting John mid-sentence. "Hey!"

John whipped around, his blood thrumming with irritation. A young woman with a fiery ponytail stood a few paces away, her eyes narrowed in his direction.

"Who's this little imp?" he thought, annoyance flickering across his mind. "Doesn't she care about my reputation, especially around these 'big wigs'?"

But the girl wasn't familiar. Beautiful, sure, but not the kind of beauty that left men speechless. More like the kind that appealed to country boys like John and his crew.

"Hey you! The one bothering this poor woman! Didn't you hear me? What do you think you're doing?" The girl's voice dripped with accusation.

John straightened, a smirk playing on his lips. "Whoa there, princess. Who do you think you are, interrupting like that? You trying to get noticed? Well, congratulations, you did it." He clapped his hands sarcastically. "But FYI, I'm not interested. Flat-chested girls aren't really my type, hahaha!"

The girl's eyes blazed with fury. She lunged forward, her shoulder connecting with John's arm. Before she could retaliate, a voice cut in.

"How dare you!" A young maid materialized beside the girl, her voice laced with outrage. "Do you know who she is? She's the daughter of House Alfine! The daughter of the town guardian, Mr. Sedric Alfine himself! You dare disrespect her? Your head will roll for this! You're finished!"

John's smirk faltered. "Damn," he thought. "Maybe she is a big wig after all."

John's heart hammered against his ribs. He knew the name Alfine all too well. Mister Alfine, the wealthiest merchant in town, and the man who controlled the guards with an iron fist. John and his gang, the Monkey Eating Eagle Gang, had a complicated relationship with Alfine. They respected his power, but often clashed with his guards over petty disputes. John, as the leader, had managed to maintain a fragile truce.

But this? This was a direct insult to Alfine's daughter. Sweat prickled his skin despite the cool morning air. He hadn't meant any disrespect, just a stupid joke that backfired spectacularly.

"Miss Alfine," John began, his voice a touch strained, "I apologize for my earlier remark. It was completely out of line. I didn't know..."

Before he could finish, the woman cut him off. "You didn't know? That's a rather flimsy excuse, don't you think? You dare mock me in the middle of the marketplace? What kind of lowlife are you?"

John clenched his jaw. He couldn't back down now, not in front of the gathering crowd. Yet, he didn't want to escalate the situation further.

As he searched for the right words, a flicker of recognition dawned in the woman's eyes. "Wait a minute," she said, her voice losing its edge. "Aren't you John, leader of the Monkey Eating Eagle Gang?"

John's eyebrows shot up. "You know who I am?"

"Of course! Father talks about you all the time. He says you keep the riffraff in check."

John winced. "Riffraff, huh? Nice way to put it."

The woman softened slightly. "Look, I apologize for jumping to conclusions. But you shouldn't have harassed the poor woman."

John sighed. "I wasn't harassing her, just trying to buy a pear. Here, keep the damn thing." He tossed the pear in her direction, hitting her palm with a soft thud.

The woman caught it reflexively, then glared at him. "My name is Lily, by the way."

"John," he replied, offering a curt nod. "Nice to meet you, under better circumstances, of course."

Lily studied him for a moment, her earlier fiery disposition replaced by a cool curiosity. "You're not what I expected," she finally admitted.

John scoffed. "What did you expect? A fire-breathing dragon?"

Lily chuckled, a sound that surprised him. It was light and melodious, erasing the image of the haughty noblewoman he had formed in his mind. "Something closer to a goblin, perhaps. But you seem... different."

John felt himself blush. "Different how?"

Lily shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's the way you carry yourself, or the way you apologized to the fruit vendor. There's a flicker of something in your eyes."

John looked away, uncomfortable under her gaze. He wasn't used to being analyzed, especially by a beautiful woman.

"Look," he mumbled, "it was a misunderstanding. I need to get going."

He turned to walk away, but Lily's voice stopped him. "Wait!"

John turned back, a questioning look on his face.

Lily met his gaze, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. "Tell you what," she said, "to make up for your... interesting greeting, how about you buy me lunch?"

John blinked, completely caught off guard. "Lunch? Why?"

"Because," Lily said, a playful smile gracing her lips, "I'm curious about this 'different' John everyone seems to be talking about. And perhaps, you could use a friend in high places."

John hesitated. This girl, Lily Alfine, the daughter of the most powerful man in town, was proposing lunch? The offer was tempting, a potential way to smooth things over with her father. Yet, a part of him was wary. Why was she interested in him?

Lily tilted her head, her smile widening. "So? Are you in, or are you just going to stare at me like a lost puppy?"

John found himself grinning, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Lead the way, milady," he said, a touch of flirtation in his voice. "Just don't expect me to be the best company."

Lily's smile broadened. "Don't worry," she said, turning towards a nearby bakery, "I can handle myself."


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