In the bustling city of Luminara, introverted Yuki Akiyama, with his eidetic memory, prefers solitude and books, while empathic extrovert Hana Fujimoto thrives on social interactions. Paired for a school project, their clashing personalities initially cause friction, but shared challenges reveal their hidden depths. Yuki’s precise memory uncovers Hana's vulnerabilities, while Hana’s empathy helps Yuki open up. As they navigate misunderstandings and personal growth, their connection deepens into a heartfelt romance. "Starlit Silence" explores the delicate balance between two contrasting individuals, showing that love can bloom through understanding and acceptance of each other's unique traits.
NovelToon got authorization from The Simple One to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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