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Author Name: Shaheen Raja Mohamed

My Mysterious Friend

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Author Name: Shaheen Raja Mohamed

This story is actually about two friends who are similar in many ways yet are different from each other they care about each other but don't show it outside. Not only that they both were brilliant and possessed a sharp intellect . They were best friends but many people were jealous of them and eventually the friends became enemies , one friend started avoiding the another without a reason. Actually there was a reason but only the one who is avoiding the other knows it . I promise you that this novel will surely include love , hate , thrilling , action , trust , friendship , care . But I will make sure to give a happy ending . So let's get started . Stay tuned for more information

NovelToon got authorization from Shaheen Raja Mohamed to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

My Mysterious Friend
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