In a world where the weak are often overlooked, Haruki Tanaka has spent his life trapped in the shadows of relentless bullying. Each day, he endures physical and emotional torment, feeling powerless and invisible. But when he discovers a treasured photograph of his late father, General Kenji Takahashi, a revered military figure, Haruki’s life takes a dramatic turn.
Determined to escape the cycle of humiliation, Haruki resolves to honor his father’s legacy by joining the military. With each grueling training session, he transforms not only his body but also his mindset, pushing past fear and self-doubt. As he faces the challenges of military life and the brutal realities of war, Haruki learns the true meaning of bravery, camaraderie, and sacrifice.
NovelToon got authorization from Ben Lucas to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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