The story revolves around the lives of 15 characters, intricately connected through fate, love, family, and secrets. It involves a suspenseful murder mystery, a forced marriage that leads to unexpected love, and emotional rollercoasters that range from humor to heartbreak. The story is set in India and Spain, where the main female lead, **Aarohi Sharma**, an Indian woman with a strong yet vulnerable heart, is thrust into a forced marriage with **Javier Castillo**, a charming and mysterious Spanish businessman.
Their journey begins with misunderstanding and resistance, but as they unravel the mystery behind a murder that affects both their families, they find themselves falling in love. Family bonds are tested, secrets are revealed, and every character’s life tangles with another’s in ways they never imagined.
NovelToon got authorization from Smara to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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