Submechanophobia Terror Under Water

Submechanophobia Terror Under Water

chapter 1: sea serpent disneyland 1971

Night fell on Disneyland, as the park, usually full of life and laughter, was shrouded in eerie silence. In the depths of the artificial lagoon of "Submarine Voyage", something sinister stirred. The Sea Serpent, the underwater animatronic that had fascinated millions of visitors with its fluid and realistic movements, was about to become the protagonist of a nightmare. The attraction was one of the park's most popular, taking visitors on an underwater journey of marine wonders and mysteries. But no one could imagine that the nightmare was about to begin. During a normal work day, the Sea Serpent had begun to exhibit strange behavior. The technicians attributed everything to mechanical problems, but there was something darker behind those erratic movements. One evening, a group of children were aboard the submarine when the animatronic began to move in a frightening way. Its artificial eyes seemed to glow with an ominous light as it approached the submarine, forcefully hitting the glass separating the passengers from the lagoon. Cracks began to form, and the children screamed in terror. Just then, the Sea Serpent let out a metallic roar, smashing through the glass with a final blow. Water began to flood the submarine as the Sea Serpent forced its way inside, grabbing a child in its mechanical mouth. The screams grew louder as the monster dragged them towards the dark bottom of the lagoon. The technicians, alarmed by the screams and emergency signals, rushed to the scene, but it was too late. The submarine was a sunken wreck, and the Sea Serpent, now out of control, seemed to have a will of its own. Red warning lights flashed, reflecting off the surface of the water in a macabre dance. Subsequent investigations revealed that it was not just a technical malfunction. Something, or someone, had sabotaged the animatronic. But who would be interested in turning a dream attraction into a deadly nightmare? The authorities decided to close the attraction, but the disturbing noises coming from the lagoon never completely stopped. And the legend of Submarine Voyage's Sea Serpent continued to grow, fueled by witness accounts and the inexplicable disappearances of those who dared get too close to the lagoon. After the terrible accident, the "Submarine Voyage" attraction was closed and surrounded by barriers. However, the mystery surrounding the Sea Serpent only grew. Rumors of strange occurrences and eerie sounds at night spread among park workers. Some technicians claimed to have heard metallic moans coming from the lagoon even when the attraction was completely turned off. Emma, a young engineer newly hired at the park, was fascinated by the story. Determined to discover the truth, she decided to investigate further. One night, armed only with a torch and an unstoppable curiosity, she ventured beyond the barriers. As she walked along the perimeter of the lagoon, Emma noticed an old control panel hidden behind a set of bushes. It looked like it hadn't been used for years, covered in dust and cobwebs. With some difficulty, he managed to activate it. The panel lights came on, and a screen showed a map of the lagoon with several icons flashing. Emma discovered that the Sea Serpent was originally designed with sophisticated artificial intelligence. Disney wanted to create an attraction that felt as real as possible, but something had gone wrong. An encrypted file caught his attention. With his technical knowledge, he managed to decode it. The file contained test and error reports, but the most disturbing part was an electronic diary from the chief engineer, which spoke of strange animatronic behavior and incidents hidden from the public. In the diary, the chief engineer mentioned an emergency system designed to completely deactivate the animatronic in case of danger. Emma decided to follow the instructions, hoping to be able to shut down the Sea Serpent once and for all. However, as he attempted to access the system, the lagoon lights suddenly turned on and a metallic roar filled the air. The Sea Serpent slowly emerged from the water, its artificial eyes fixed on Emma. The young engineer felt her heart pounding as she desperately tried to finish the shutdown process. But the monster was getting closer and closer, its movements now completely unpredictable and threatening. In a last, desperate attempt, Emma managed to enter the emergency code. The Sea Serpent stopped a few feet away from her, letting out one last screeching sound before shutting down completely. The lagoon became silent again, but Emma knew that her discovery was only the beginning. She left the lagoon with a copy of the diary and recordings, determined to bring the truth to light. But the park wasn't about to let the Sea Serpent's secrets be revealed so easily. Would Emma be able to unravel the mystery or would she meet a dark fate like the many who had preceded her?


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