Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
hi guys
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
so tell why you didn't contact these days?
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
let's order first
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
excuse me
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
order please
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
5cups of coffee
she tells them what happen these days
after few minutes their order came
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
thank you
enjoy your coffee miss
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
how dare they
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
they married you to get rid
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
but to whom you have married
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
is he good or he is like your so called family
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
I am married to Alexander Salvatore
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
and he is good
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
isn't he dumb
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
he is also the only heir of Salvatore
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
he is really a good man
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
woah first time you praise someone
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
d..did you blush
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
don't tell me you fall for him
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
um maybe
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
I don't know
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
leave these topics
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
since long time we haven't enjoyed
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
so let's go to club tonight
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
Elena Clove (Fl bff) / El / Poison
Elizabeth Brown (Fl bff) / Beth / Lunar
Mia Watson (Fl bff) / M / Shadow
Rose (Fl assistant and Bff ) / death
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
(they are so cute)
Angelina White / Angel / Devil Quee (Fl)
ml and his friends were discussing about business
ml gets a call from shadow guard
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
speak 📱❄️
❄️means he is talking in cold tone
shadow guard
Boss Madam has met her friends and decided to go to club tonight📱
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
Austin Windsor (Ml bff)/ Ace
so what he said
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
my wife and her friends are going to club tonight
Aaron (Ml assistant and bff) / Reaper
so can we are going see our sis in law
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
Sebastian Ernesto (Ml bff) / Viper
well I want to ask you something
Sebastian Ernesto (Ml bff) / Viper
did you fall for her😏
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
Axel Knight (Ml bff) / Scar
what really
Axel Knight (Ml bff) / Scar
isn't they say that angelina white is dumb
Austin Windsor (Ml bff)/ Ace
she's not
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
Aaron (Ml assistant and bff) / Reaper
what do you mean
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
she's underworld queen
Sebastian Ernesto (Ml bff) / Viper
Aaron (Ml assistant and bff) / Reaper
Axel Knight (Ml bff) / Scar
Aaron (Ml assistant and bff) / Reaper
but how's it possible
Sebastian Ernesto (Ml bff) / Viper
then why she acts dumb
Alexander Blake / Alex / Devil King
because she want to take her asset from her family which her mother left for her and revenge for her death
Sebastian Ernesto (Ml bff) / Viper
Aaron (Ml assistant and bff) / Reaper
Axel Knight (Ml bff) / Scar
so it's like this
after that they talk about business
amazing both acting dumb and and 1st devil king and 2nd mafiya 🎸 rock it amazing plz update
please update more author 🥺
Dina Alshohatee
Crazy update 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺