Lets start now!! 😁😁😁
Jin Yue
You are the town leader?!
Jin Yue
Your kidding right?!
Kii Xijue
Nope, its true Yuechii!
Kii Xijue
And how dare you think I'm not qulified! Im hurt~
Jin Yue
Ok, so wheres the contract
Kii Xijue
Yuechi, I think the town people would want more than the money
Jin Yue
How much is it again?
Kaito Kin
150,000 per person
Jin Yue
And how much were you guys originally 😶
Jin Yue
Ok, so about 900,000
Jin Yue
Oh and Im adding one more
Jin Yue
About what you said, I'll treat anyone who is injured in the last two days 😁
Kii Xijue
( I can go see my beloved Tv )
Kii Xijue
👈 Someone who became obsessed with TV the moment he knew how to use it
??? : I want to go
??? : Yes, my daughter will be healed!
??? : But how?
??? : What do you mean??
??? : There are animals that are Emperor level 1 roaming there!!
??? : Oh yeah! How can we enter!?
Jin Yue
Easy, I'll set up a protection a barrier 😁
??? : How?!
??? : What do you mean??
??? : On each person??
Jin Yue
I'll give you guys these badges, If you want to come visit my place to heal you
Jin Yue
If you wear my babies wont hurt you 😁
Kii Xijue
Is there any guarantee? 😏
Jin Yue
Hai, if you will wear it the animals will avoid as per my order even the rabbits
Jin Yue
Also regarding the money, I will go to a kingdom for a few days
??? : Hah?!
??? : But you might just run away!! And stay at the capital!!
??? : Yeah!!
??? : You might just escape!!!
Jin Yue
But I already signed the contract plus I will die stated in the contract
Jin Yue
Have you ever heard of a contract failing?
??? : ...
??? : hes right
??? : a contract never fails! Never once!
??? : plus hes a doctor!
Jin Yue
Hai, so see you in the last two days!
??? : Hes so pretty
??? : So beautiful and graceful!
??? : An angel!
??? : Still cant believe hes a doctor!
??? : Hes almost like a female or a girl!!
Jin Yue
Me, Kuroo and Hime will be leaving see you guys soon 😁
Kai Yuu
thanks for everything
As Jin stepped on the carriage Jin, Nala, the carriage and the tigers disappeared
Jin Yue
( I should inform the others )
Jin Yue
Nala, get ready for our trip tomorrow!
Jin Yue
Also call the Elite Ten to the secret meeting place tomorrow 5 am sharp!
Jin Yue
And make sure each one is there!! Not one absent!!
Jin Yue
Time to do actual work....
And that is all for this chapter
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
ues yes
{•just be yourself•} NmN
then he will be even more obsessed with phone!
Your SiYah❤
this os really interesting God job author 😘 ireally like this genre yaoi,fantasy