I Will Save My Cute Villainess
ep 6
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(hmm now I am 7 months old)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(and I can finally stand😆)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
mama, papa 😆 *shouts*
lara and Oliver run to the room
lara Campbell (ml mom)
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
lara Campbell (ml mom)
my son can stand now 😭
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
he is a genius 😭
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
so son are you a genius 🤨
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
yez i an a genus liwke mama😆 (yes I am a genius like mama)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
nok an ediot liwke papa 😒 (not an idiot like papa)
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
where did his genes come from 😱
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
fron youe both 😒 (from you both)
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
way to go young master *clench his stomach*😂😂
lara Campbell (ml mom)
😅let's practice walking
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
yes 😅
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(this is really fun)
after that sometime passed
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(yes I am 1 year old now )
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(my birthday passed yesterday and it was fun)😁
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(but today is a special day)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(we are going to the orphanage to pick someone who can be a suitable friend for me and be my assistant also)
lara Campbell (ml mom)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
yep mommy 😆
lara Campbell (ml mom)
are you excited 😊
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
I feel bad that someone who doesn't got parents warmth have to be my friend 😔
lara Campbell (ml mom)
(my boy is so kind 😢)
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
don't worry young master 😊
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
because I was also an orphan and your grandparents picked me up and made me Oliver's friend and I was treated like a child of Campbell family
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
how about thiss
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
(oops my tongue)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Mason doesn't have a wife or kids, so why don't you adopt the child 😌
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
wow I didn't know young master was so intelligent 😯
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
of course I am smart, I am not like the oldie(Oliver) beside you 😎
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
huh 😰
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
now I am oldie 😱
lara Campbell (ml mom)
haha 🤣😂
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
Mason pick a kid for you 😆
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
I will also get to be called Father now 😆
Charles and his family were in the waiting room
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
I didn't see Mason being this excited 😅
lara Campbell (ml mom)
me too 😅
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
he is like a child 😆
lara Campbell (ml mom)
(then what are you?😓)
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
(then what are you?😓)
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
see i have registered him as my son now
lara Campbell (ml mom)
how old is he 😕
Mason fang (ml dad's PA)
hmm he is 8 months old 😌
Oliver Campbell (ml dad)
oh he is younger then Charles
lara Campbell (ml mom)
let's go Charles 😊
Charles Campbell/Charles Cullen(ml)
oki mommy ☺
no he is just old
dead_from inside 🙂🙂
1 year old babies can't talk so clearly
Yamanaka family?