Wow why so harsh V I know why.... Coz he is the best brother i ever Seen... You know (jin) (😂😂) But i realy lıke V i want a brother lıke V but i dont have any big brother😭.... I only have two fat big pigs as sisters 😒😒and two really annoying and even ugly little brothers 😔😔AND I AM THE WORLDWIDE PRETTIEST, THINNEST, SPORTIEST AND COOLEST.. ECT.... YOU KNOW ✌🏼
Wow why so harsh V
I know why.... Coz he is the best brother i ever Seen... You know (jin) (😂😂) But i realy lıke V i want a brother lıke V but i dont have any big brother😭.... I only have two fat big pigs as sisters 😒😒and two really annoying and even ugly little brothers 😔😔AND I AM THE WORLDWIDE PRETTIEST, THINNEST, SPORTIEST AND COOLEST.. ECT.... YOU KNOW ✌🏼