Crying Blood, Bleeding Tears

Crying Blood, Bleeding Tears

Episode 1

Skyland was beutiful, just like a fairy-tale land, located more than 150 kilometres from the main city of Heaven Falls on the rim of the border. Apart from the the Yaarbal , a local rivulet, Skyland housed gorgeous paddy fields that looked like a sheet of green during summers and were stripped bare during the winters, when we often played cricket on the frozen acres. Icicles drooping down from the ***** branches of the apple trees were often chomped greedily, making a crunching sound whenever we took a bite.

During the summers we often sat down on the muddy pavements flanking the fields and watched the man work tirelessly for the whole day. In the middle of the day, women accompanied by their little girls brought boxes full of rice and mutton. The hungry workers ate heartily and often pounced on the food like famished dragons. Quite customarily, we too joined them in the feast. The view of the paddy fields that streched on for acres _ until it was stopped by the sweep of the mountains _ often flavoured the food. At four in the afternoon, it is the time for the nun_chai(satly tea). Homemade ghee chapattis were consumed along with the traditional satt.

My friends and i often sat down on the banks of the local rivulet that snaked it's way through our village. We would often watch the waters, arguring as to whether snakes inhabited the Yaarbal or not. 'I have seen a black snake in this water,' one of my friends would often say. We would in turn laugh at him and often wonder what made our village so beautiful. We would sit down with Showket , one of my friends who would smoking his Panama cigarettes bought at the local grocery store. Occasionally, we would take a puff too, but Showket would warn us against taking more than one.

The summer was also the season when we would spend most of our time waiting for the girls who would accompany their mothers to the fields. The girls would habitually catch hold of their mothers' arms and walk adjacent to them. I would wait for a girl, Sumera, who had this flair and flamboyance that was hers alone. As she entered her adolescence, she often covered her head with a round scarf, wrapping it so tightly as to stop even a small strand of hair from peeping out. She would sit between her father and mother under the shade of the green-apple tree; and as her father tore into the mutton pieces, she would sit their quietly looking at him. I would often climb the tree overhead before they sat underneath it so that I could catch a closer glimpse of Sumera.

to be continue...

Hey guys! I am new here and this this my first story. Hope you all will like it.

Bye! Take care.

Love you guys!🤗😘



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