New House
Mia and her mom were on their way to their new house, but mia dozed off to sleep
Killer 2
Hold her tightly!!
Mia's mom
Honey honey wake up *Caress her cheeks
Mia's mom
shushh it's alright honey, it's okay it's just a dream
Mia's mom
shhh shhh it's okay I'm here
Mia's mom
are you okay now honey?
Mom? why am I keep om having those dreams? It all started since I was 15 and now I'm 17 why am I still dreaming about it?
Mia's mom
I don't know baby
Mia's mom
I think you should stop watching horror movies and that documetary series of murders, you're too attached to those stuffs
but mom you know I love watching thosee
Mia's mom
no mia, just listen to me it's for your own good
Moments later, both of them arrived at their house
Mia's mom
Honey can you get the remaining boxes outside?
*gets the boxes and put inside the house
Mia's mom
Is this the last one?
Mia's mom
okay just put those boxes into the attic okay? we'll arrange that tomorrow
Mia then carry the box and goes straight to the attic, it was kind of dark but somehow the sunlight helps to brighten the surroundings
*to herself
why does the past owner of this house leave their belongings here in the attic?
Even this cabinet isn't damage and can be used again
She immediately go near to the cabinet and opens it
The cabinet inside has one box, sealed with a tape
And what is this box?
*to herself
Mia is about to open the boxes when her mother called her
Mia's mom
Miaaaa come here help me make our dinner
fast forward*
at the table
Mia's mom
Honey do you like our new house?
yes mom, although its kind of a bit old fashioned but i still like it
Mia's mom
I'm sorry honey if this is all I got, I inherit this house to my grandparents and I'm sorry if we have to move here, I can't live in america again because that only reminds me of your dad
no mom it's okay, I'm fine here in philadelphia and I like this house
Mia's mom
I miss him too and I know he's happy in heaven watching us
Mia's mom
Now finish your food already
after the dinner, the both of them head to bed
Mia is about to sleep when she heard a loud thud
Mia goes out of her room and find where that noice is coming from
Mia walks down to the alley when she heard again a noice
Mom? why are you still awake?
*Mia keeps on following the noice until she realize, she's already in front of the attic's foor
Mom? what are you doi-
Mia's mom
Mia what are you doing? why are you still awake?
Mom i though you were inside
Mia's mom
how come I'll be inside? i was already asleep when I heard you were calling me
Mia's mom
Go back top sleep mia, i need to be up early tomorrow for my work
*as she goes to her bed, mia is still wondering whose making those noice inside the attic
Taehyung's shoes
hmm good story until now... keep going..