His Innocent Bride

His Innocent Bride

Episode 1


The day which is the turning point of a person's life is marriage and today is that day. I am getting married today with the person whom my grandparents chose for me. I don't know that person . I don't know what are his likes,dislikes,habits, etc and same thing I could say for him also.

My parents died in a car accident when I was very young. I don't even remember how they looked like. There are their photos in the house but after looking at the pictures I just don't remember anything. Earlier I was bit confused because my parents died when I was seven years old and I think that age is sufficient enough for a kid to have some memories of their childhood but for me it is all blank. Sometimes I do get some dreams about my parents but in that dream my parents are totally different. I don't see their faces bit their body outline is enough for me to differentiate them from the pictures which I see at my house. Amd truthfully whenever I have those dreams I feel happy and sad at the same time. When I told about these dreams to my grandparents they told me that it is normal. I also don't think a lot about it.

My grandparents loves me so much that they couldn't separate from me that's why they homeschooled me. They gave me all the things which I could ever ask for . I even have my own library where all the books related to buisness, fashion, geography, history, etc. Any book you want is available there. I couldn't be anymore happier. I was the only child of my parents so it was very lonely. I could only talk to my grandparents as they wouldn't let me talk or play with our servants because according to them servants are not meant for playing or talking. We are superior and we should act like one. But the things which I read and felt is that we should be respectful to everyone but I can't argue with them. So I stopped talking to everyone. I don't have any friends. All my life till now has been cooped up inside my house only. I don't know how it feels like to go outside. I read about different beautiful places and people. I want to meet them and explore the different places but my grandparents said them when I will marry my husband will take me to these places. So I am very excited about my marriage.

I have a degree in fashion designing with flying colours. From the very young age I liked dresses so when I grew up I chose this as my profession. But my grandparents Don't let me work. They said that they would provide me with anything but not job. It was a very big scene but at last I conceded to their demands. My marriage is arrange but I always wanted it to be a love marriage but I guess things don't go according to your wishes. But I am happy that after marriage I will be able to visit different places, meet new people and hopefully also fall in love. Even I have promised them that I will not go out and do job but that doesn't mean I can't do house job. I have collaborated with a famous fashion designing company. My work is to just send them the designs and I am paid very well for that. The owner of that company is a man of about 40 years of age and he is very kind to me. He knows about my circumstances so he helped me a lot. Earlier when I completed my degree I applied for their company I got selected but my grandparents refused so the owner of that company gave me this opportunity and I am happy for that because he says that my designs are somewhat like his designs but different and he sees his younger self in me. My designs have their own brand and in two years only it has become famous worldwide. At the age of 20 I am self sufficient and I now don't even need my grandparents help with money.

My fiancee's name is Dylan Grey. He is a mulitibillonaire. His parents are my grandparents friends. I have seen them only once when our marriage was decided. He is 23 years old and I am 20 years old. We were engaged for only one month and during that time period I never saw him as he was too shy to contact me and I also did the same thing. When I asked my grandparents about his well being they told me that he is preparing for the marriage. I searched about him on the net but I didn't find anything about him not even his picture. I was confused as why this is so. If he is so rich then media should have posted abot him something but nothing. But I also know that there are some people who are very secretive about their lives and when I asked my grandparents about it but they said that don't worry. I trust my grandparents so I believed it.

After my marriage my grandparents will go for a world tour and I will stay with my husband to whom I have not even seen once as it is considered as a bad omen to look at each other before wedding.

Right now I am ready and looking at my well groomed face.

I am wearing a white floorlength off shoulder gown. Which I must say is very pretty. My black hair are pulled up in a beautiful bun. It is good that I have decided to grow my hair after highschool as now they reach up to my shoulders now. I have never seen an outside world as I always stayed inside my house with my grandparents. They brought me whatever I need and I love for them. My brown eyes are shining and overall I look pretty.

I am happy that I am marrying as this was one of my dream.

My bridesmaid is my Dylan's sister Mary. She is a red haired and green eyed beauty. She is tall and very thin but she looks like a supermodel .She is wearing a collard pale blue sleeveless gown. She has done a messy bun and she looks breath taking. She talks very less and whenever she looks up at me she smiles . She always has a frown on her beautiful face when she is not looking at me but I can't judge her.

When the time was there I was escorted to the aisle by my grandfather . My grandmother has tears in her eye. In this wedding only family members are invited as too much people make me nervous.The wedding was taking place in one of my Grandparents farmhouse which was big enough to accommodate more than 300 people at once.

The aisle was beautifully decorated. And all the wedding preparations were done by Dylan's parents. Their were beautiful while lily all over it was so breathtaking that I can just continue to stare it.On my way to the pavement I was looking down and my hand was tightly gripping my grandfather John's arm. He was lightly squeezing my hand to comfort me. When we reached there I saw Dylan who was looking handsome in his blue suit. His red hair were pulled back and his sea green eyes were hiding so many things in them. I must say that he is handsome but not like the way they have described in the books but I am happy. But Dylan and Mary look like each other . They have got their features from their father. His father is a red haired and blue eyed man whereas their mother is a blonde haired sea green eyed lady. They look like a warm couple. But whenever they look at my way they would smile and then look away. The one month before our marriage they never once came to meet me and the excuse was same they are busy with the preparations but how would I be able to live with them if I don't know about them. But I hope that everything goes well.

My grandfather handed over my hand to Dylan after kissing me on my temple whose hand was surprisingly cold so I held his hand in my hands to provide him some warmth. He was looking at me intensely but I didn't care as it was my duty as his -to- be wife to protect him. But by doing this my face was flushed red. When I realized that his hands were warm enough I let it go and then the priest started the wedding ceremony. Behind Dylan his best man who was also his best friend and Mary's fiancee Damon who was also looking very handsome. He is a blonde haired man with beautiful light blue eyes.

After the ceremony the priest told Dylan to kiss me and I became nervous as I had never been kissed by anyone before except my grandparents who kissed my on forehead and cheeks.

I guess Dylan knew about it so he kissed me lightly on my lips but even after that my cheeks were red.

But after the kiss Dylan picked me up in his arms as it is a ritual in their family to bring the bride home in groom's arms. I burried my face in his neck and looped my arms around his neck. I was embarrassed and Dylan had a scowl on his face as he didn't like me seeing become embarrassed. He has tightly gripped me which will obviously leave a bruise but he was doing this to not to let me fall.

I was brought to the place where wedding party was being held and it was also breathtaking. We cut the wedding cake and we left the party early as Dyaln had to do some work.The cake was beautiful with Peacock and peahen made on it. Everyone was enjoying the party well. I bade goodbye to my grandparents and wished them luck for their trip. And went with Dylan to his mansion. He again picked me up again and brought me inside the car and took me to his big mansion.

After reaching there Dylan brought me inside his mansion and told his servants to bring my luggage. He showed me my room as he told me that he want to take things slowly and I understand him. I was given a room like the one which I had in my house. My room has everything simple and sweet. It looks very nice and I am happy for Dylan's consideration. His parents have their own house so they will not live with us but I wanted them to be. They are also going to the world tour with my grandparents only along with Mary and Damon.

I took the help of the some servants to put my things inside the cupboard.

I changed into my normal clothes i.e., a blue t shirt and a white lower and left my room to look for Dylan. But when I reached outside Dylan's room I saw him wearing blue jeans and white shirt and a lather jacket and packing his things as his door was ajar. I was bit shocked and then asked him

"Dylan ,Are we going somewhere?"

He looked at me surprised and then said

"I have got an urgent meeting so i have to leave for abroad I will come back in two days. Till that time you take care of yourself and I will call you."

He kissed my forehead and left the mansion. I took a sigh and went inside my room and slept as I knew because my grandparents also used to leave me inside their mansion when they used to go for meetings. I just hope he comes back soon as I hate living alone.


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