Rebirth As the Fake Daughter
Pinky Promise
Arnold Valkaire (FL 1st Bro)
I will stay with her.
Arnold entered with a plastic bag in hand.
Anya Valkaire (FL mom)
You are here?
Arnold Valkaire (FL 1st Bro)
I didn't return to the company. Jared will take care of any immediate work.
Rudolph Valkaire (FL Dad)
That's good you didn't leave her alone.
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
You were here.... all the time?
Arnold Valkaire (FL 1st Bro)
Yes. You were sleeping. I thought you will be hungry. The butler said you didn't eat anything today.
Anya Valkaire (FL mom)
You didn't have breakfast?
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
Ah... That....
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
** Glancing at Arnold **
Arnold Valkaire (FL 1st Bro)
You can scold her after she gets better mom. I brought her food, let her eat something first.
Rudolph Valkaire (FL Dad)
Then we will see the doctor while you eat.
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
Did you eat yet ?
Rudolph Valkaire (FL Dad)
No, your mom was worried so she didn't get a chance to.
Anya Valkaire (FL mom)
Like you were any better.
Anya Valkaire (FL mom)
You are the first one who came running in the middle of a meeting.
Rudolph Valkaire (FL Dad)
Rudolph Valkaire (FL Dad)
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
You guys should eat something first.
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
Otherwise I will be worried.
Anya Valkaire (FL mom)
Okay. We will eat after talking to the doctor.
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
I want to see the receipt when you get back.
Crystal Valkaire (FL)
Promise me
** Stretching out her pinky **
Anya and Rudolph were amused at her action but relented with a helpless look.
Anya Valkaire (FL mom)
Alright pink promise
They hooked their pinky fingers. Crystal did it on a habit. She made promises with her friends like this.
They both kissed her forehead before walking out. As soon as they left Crystal tensed.
She still remembered the angry look on Arnold's face before passing out.
please update more chapters soon can't wait