The Teacher
I have done nothing wrong
I have done nothing wrong
I have done nothing wrong
But the principal says I did
The principal says that hitting a teacher would make me get expelled from school.
But because I was the Royal General's daughter, it is enough if I just get suspended from school
The carriage is ready for you.
It will take you back home
You will explain the situation to your father and then you can come back to school after a month.
Jade Caldwell
I want Dad to come here
He doesn't need to come
I have already asked the messenger to invite him
He should come sooner or later
I just need to wait for him
Do you understand, little girl?
Now that we have agreed, I ask you to leave my office and go back home
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
she hasn't even finished her lessons
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*in the doorway
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*entered inside and glanced at Jade
Jade Caldwell
*rushed to him and hid behind him
Jade Caldwell
Dad, he says I can't go to school
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*frowned and looked at the Principal
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
Why can't she attend school?
Sir...she, she hit the teacher
This is a severe misconduct
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
Quite severe to suspend a little girl when she has just started school 2 months ago
We can't have misbehavior in our school
Jade Caldwell is a rebellious child
Jade Caldwell
*gritted her teeth, suppressing herself from tears
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
I know my kid
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
She won't hurt anyone unless she has any reason
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*turned to Jade
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
Jade, what did the teacher do that made you hit him?
The teacher's arm is broken because of her
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*turned to him menacingly* Silence
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*bent down to Jade's level and looked at her
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
Dear, what did the teacher do to you?
Jade Caldwell
*shook her head
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
You don't want to say?
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
Come whisper it to my ear, then
I see her contemplating her decisions for a while before she comes close to me and stands on her tiptoes to reach my ear
Jade Caldwell
Dad... *whispering quietly
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
yes, dear?
Jade Caldwell
The teacher lifted up my skirt
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*thinking of 100 ways to kill
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
is the teacher a man?
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
*turned to the Principal
Kaelen Caldwell (ML)
Where is the teacher?
Did you ever ask her why she hit the teacher? The teacher must've said or did something to humiliate or angered her? Why suspend her without even asking or knowing the reason....
It's only right for her to do that to that pervert then... Shame on him to do that to a 9 year old girl...