[CCTV footage is playing]
"The Van of the kidnapers is shown and stop at the front of the store..."
"Man on a black suit and mask is shown stepping out of the Van..."
D. Gordon
Fuck... his face is not clear...
D. Gordon
Wait... his suit...
D. Gordon
*Staring at it*
D. Gordon
Shit... come in!
D. Frank
The plate number is checked...
*Puts the file on the table*
D. Frank
You're right... it's the same Van from earlier... they used it again this time...
D. Gordon
*Took the pictures*
So... we will be able to locate them?!
D. Frank
Yes! Finally... we get to know where they are...
D. Gordon
That's a relief... and one more thing... can you get me to the morgue?!
*Opens it*
Mr Ben told me that you're coming here today...
D. Frank
That's Officer Ben by the way...
D. Gordon
The body of Josh Peterson... where is it?
It's over here...
"The body is shown but is under the white blanket..."
D. Frank
Can you, remove the blanket for a bit?
Of course...
*Doing it*
D. Gordon
His body... how many days do you think he's dead?
Around 3 days ago... his body decomposes, other changes occur, such as the eyes becoming clouded, cells in the skin breaking down, and the muscles stiffening into rigor mortis.
D. Frank
It's just an days old...
Is there something that... missing here detective?
D. Gordon
His suit... that's he wearing... do you find something inside it or have you checked it?
Actually, his suit is still in this hospital, preparing for distribution to the charity... come...
[Closed the dead body with the blanket again]
This box... it's him...
D. Frank
What are we looking for Gordon?
D. Gordon
*Wear a gloves*
That footage from the store... there's something he put on his suit's pocket...
D. Frank
So, what could it be?
D. Gordon
*Grabbed something*
D. Frank
Come on, pull it out...
Something in there detective?
D. Gordon
*Pull it out*
A tape...