The Price
It is based on the medeival era …
There was a king of a particular kingdom … he had a son , and a wife
.. he had died a year back due to some disease … She was a single
parent , she could have married some one else but her husband was
her true love ….She was ruling the kingdom .. but her ministers were
all corrupted all that they wanted was money and they did not want
to be ruled by a girl , due to their egoistic ideology .. so a rich
businessman offered them money to kill the Queen .. they hired a
assassin and killed the queen of the kingdom .. the queen had a 6
year old son .. after her assassination his personal guard made her
son[ the true heir of the king] escape from the kingdom with a
merchant of another kingdom … after killing the Queen the business
man became the king of the kingdom … the first thing he told was to
kill the prince . he sent guards they tried to search the prince but
they could not find him .. so came back to the king and lied that they
killed the prince .. thinking that a kid with no parents cannot do
anything … the kingdom after falling into the wrong hands only cared
about the money , not the people , not the expansion … they used to
take money from people telling its for the safety they were providing
…. And the people who did not give them money were hit by the
guards ….
The merchant knew that the child had royal blood in him … so the
merchant used to give the child muscle training and tactical thinking
according to different scenerios in the battle field for years … He had
not told the child about it … years passed the child used to train very
hard his only aim … which was fit into his head by his father was to
become a knight and safeguard the kingdom … so after many years
of practice … he went to the knights tryouts .. which happened once
in every two years … in which the battling skills . the knowledge ,
hand to hand combat , bravery .etc … were held according to an
individuals performance rating was given to the candidates and the
top 50 were chosed , because they could not aford to give wages to
everyone . it was 1 weeks tryout and the child came first .. There was
a rule that the first in the tryout could decide if he wanted to be in
the defence line and protect any attacks on the kingdom .. or go out
and conquer different regions and include them in the empire …. The
top 5 had to become the defence line.. but the first one had a choice
So the young prince choose to go out and fight so the second person
in the tryout was a girl whose parents had been killed by the solders
of the kingdom of which the price belonged .. so she wanted to go on
and fight but because of that rule she had to stay .. in the tryouts she
had become very close to the prince , like they used to share their
experience , their childhood , the tryouts . etc with each other during
the dinner time [But the girl never told her dream of defending the
kingdom ]……… After the prince discission she went up to him and
told him to promise that he will go and kill the king of that kingdom .
he promised It to her …
During his first year only the king decided to capture a fort of a
kingdom .. so he made all his attacking army ready for the capturing
of the court.. lesser did they know that they oppositions army had a
an who was 8 ft tall … during the fight when both the armies were
standing in front of each other … the 8ft tall man came in front and
challenged the army in which the prince was a part of … no one came
for some time then a person raised his hand and starting coming in
the front everyone told him that it was a big mistake and it is
impossible to beat him … the man who came out was the price him
self he was standing in front of the 8ft tall man they started fighting ..
in just two moves the prince killed the 8ft tall man … All the army
people were praising him for his bravery , courage and skills …. Then
they went on to win the fort … he was praised by the civilians as well
as by the king .. Then in the next battle also he faught bravely and
captured the next fort …. By seeing his skills and courage and bravery
and his loyalty .. in just 3 years he became the youngest commander
in the history of that kingdom ..
He then married the girl from his tryouts …
Then in these years after capturing the forts and all . Now the next
was the kingdom of which the prince was from bassically his right full
kingdom …So first he had to do is get to know about the artillery of
the opposition .. while he was still planning to go there .. The
merchant was on his death bed , he told him all the truth of the
relation between him and that kingdom , first The price thought it
was a lie .. but also just to clarify he changed his appearence and
went in the kingdom the first thing he did was he went with 5 people
.. he told 3 of them to go and become the knights of the opposition
with different identity , so that he could get to know about the
military and defence of the kingdom . another one to become the
servant of a high official so that he could have the intel of at least
one of the big shots of the kingdom .. he then went with the other
soldier to find the guards who had been sent to kill him after his
moms assacination as said by the merchant … he went on in search
of them but he found out that most of them had died except for one
.. So he went in search of him .. He travelled for days and nights ..
then he found the soldier Living in a small village of a different
kingdom .. He then asked him .. and the soldier said it was all true ..
he felt like his heart was broken that no one told him about it ..
Now he had a aim of capturing and becoming the ruler of his true
kingdom .. so after that he left the village and went to the kingdom in
which he was serving …And he had also told the soldiers who were
spying to come to the kingdom so that they can decide their next
move … So the intel was that that the oppositions army was 5 times
larger than theirs .. As they had more money … The king told that lets
go and risk it all for this time .. but some how the prince convinced
him not to attack And give him at least 1 year of time .. the king did
not agree after a lot of negotiation .. he agreed to give him time of 6
months .. So he went to his house and told his wife about all of it and
that he is moving to his kingdom , His wife even though he told that
she will have to bear a lot of pain in that kingdom she forced him to
take her with him then he agreed to take her …. And also a soldier
with him … They all went their and stayed in a very small house ..
And they even had to earn a lot because they had to pay the
kingdom a huge ransom .. and also money for themselves ….So in the
first 2months… he went to a work place where a lot of people used
to work and made a lot of friends . His soldier also went to a
different factory and made a lot of friends .. he told his wife to go
and see who all people of the kingdom are so much ready for the
revolt that just a small hope they are ready to give their lives .. Then
the gathered all the people they had made friends and convinced
them for the revolt , he also said them to bring those people who
were ready to do a revolt who were fed up of their slavery ..
For the next four months he used to give speeches every weekend
and almost 60% of the population was ready to fight for him .. he
then told the plan that First he will go to hios kingdom take the army
and come to the kingdom when he challenges and when the army
comes out he told them to kill all the left soldiers in the kingdom and
come in to the battle field.. Even if they kill less people the army of
the opposition will get scared looking that people are attacking them
from the front as well as from the back and a lot of them will run
away … on the day of battle everything works as per his great plan …
And they went on to win it after great difficulty
But it had to come under the king he used to serve , But the people
of the country revolted against… it forced him to make his
commander in chief the prince … the king of that kingdom .. The king
could not do any thing as the people helped him and were ready to
fight with him too .. so he just let his commander the king .. as the
prince was familiar with them it was easy for him to form his
ministers .. And he had sat on the right full place where he belonged
.. But he Never said to the people that he was only the son of their previous king .
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