Is Divorcing the Tyrant My Ultimate Fate?
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
That explains why you didn't have any child during these 10 years of marriage
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
Yes but so was she, even she was forced, Viktor, but she accepted it anyways
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
What does that mean, father? That her opinion didn't matter? THAT MY OPINION DIDN'T MATTER?
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
*looks down in guilt* What was the problem, Viktor? You needed a wife, for being emperor and she didn't have a lover.
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
But we both were never happy with this marriage, father.
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
And this divorce, is final. There's no going back *leaves*
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
What does it matter? You're bound to fall in love with her, either way *mumbles*
Savannah Rutherford Anderson(ML MOM)
You shouldn't be so harsh on him, dear
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
He just won't listen to me
Savannah Rutherford Anderson(ML MOM)
Alex, don't worry he will realize soon, and when that day comes, he will surely understand
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
You are right, I just have to wait
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
*Walking around*
How are you, my queen?
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
*laughs* oh shut up
*smirks* And why should I?
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Because I said so?
I don't listen to anyone, my queen
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Very funny, Lucas
Lucas Von Augustus
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Why are you grinning like that?
Lucas Von Augustus
I am just happy for you, Rory
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Lucas Von Augustus
It's good that you divorced that man, he isn't suitable for you
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Lucas Von Augustus
Tell me, did he ever even converse with you? All he would do was order you around
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
It's over now, what's the point of talking about him?
Lucas Von Augustus
Did you love him?
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Lucas Von Augustus
Did you love him?
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Lucas Von Augustus
You did, I could see it in your eyes, the way you would brighten up when you see him
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Stop it..
Lucas Von Augustus
Does that irritate you? Does it make you angry to talk about him?
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Stop it, Lucas
Lucas Von Augustus
If you love him, you shouldn't have given up on him! I could help yo-
Aurora Noah Anderson(FL/Empress)
Stop it!
Lucas Von Augustus
Fine...I'll stop it
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
The Emperor of Egypt has sent a letter
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
He is going to visit our palace for a few days, he would be staying here
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
Is it a business deal?
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
When is he arriving?
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
He is arriving five days from now
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
Savannah Rutherford Anderson(ML MOM)
How many times do I have to tell you both not to discuss business during dinner
George Rutherfurd Anderson(ML BRO)
What can they do, mother? They are like this
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
Oh shut up, brat
George Rutherfurd Anderson(ML BRO)
*grins* Sure sure I'll shut up
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
I'm done with dinner, I will be heading upstairs
Alexander Rutherfurd Anderson(ML DAD)
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
*goes outside*
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
*sits down near the fountain* Even this water reminds me of you, my love
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
How much I miss you, how much I wish you were here
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
How much I wish I didn't let go of you
Young master, are you thinking of her again?
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
Yes it's me
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
I am not thinking of anyone, Travis
'He has been through a lot but he doesn't show his pain to anyone'
Viktor Rutherfurd Anderson(ML/Tyrant)
Why are you here?
I don't know, actually *scratches his neck and grins*
plzzz nooooo need for being cupid for making disaster couple ....plzzzz atleast she deserve someone who respects her not him treating her like a use and throw .....plzzz keep her self respect 😇🥲🥲😮💨
something fishy 🫠