Episode 1

Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Fúck you!! Zayne!.
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
we are done! here! now!
Wali was shouting at the top of his lungs in anger.
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
b_but listen to me at least!! it's a misund__
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
no need! i already know the truth! you bîtch! can't keep you motherf****** d*ck inside for a day! huh?!
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
it's not true!!! I was accused! that son of a bîtch!! it's all his plan!!! really!
Zayne brushes his hair with his hand in frustration trying to explain everything.
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
*eyes full of tears* I should have never believed you when you said he's just your friend!
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
*hurt* Wali... my love...
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
I'm telling you.. it's all a misunderstanding..*try to caress his face*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
*slap his hand* no more!!
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
I can't stand you anymore! *take his bag from the chair*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
let's not see each other again! *ran out banging the door*
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
Wali!!! *chase him*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Driver! take me to *** apartment!
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
and... *look at zayne approaching* .. as fast as possible!.
yes sir.
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
(bitch!! bastard!!!! I trusted you!!! but you!!!!..)
Wali's eyes fell on Zayne who was chasing him on bike. he was shouting Wali's name while approaching.
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
*slide down the glass window*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
fûck you zayne!!!! why are you chasing me now!!!!
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
stop being impulsive for a second!! damn you! *increase speed*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
driver! increase the speed even more!!! I want this person to be left behind.
as you say. *increase speed*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
*slide up the windows*.... (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
honk// honk//
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
A truck was coming from front that seemed to have loose brakes. the driver was honking continuously to clear the way. as the car was at high speed, it was difficult to control the situation fast.
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
(just what's with my luck!... )
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
*shocked* !!!!
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
Zayne ran to the scene, the whole car was turned upside down. he carried Wali out of the destroyed car and lay him on the road.
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
wali!! *crying* nothing will happen to you!! I'll save you. people have called the ambulance!! huh!
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
don't close eyes! don't !
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
(... strange..... )
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
(... why am I hearing zayne crying.... for me.... shouldn't he be relieved that I'm finally gone...)
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
(... why ... you fool ..) *tear escapes his eyes*
Wali Williams(MC)
Wali Williams(MC)
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
*stiff*... wali...
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
Zayne Garcia (MC
Zayne Garcia (MC's bf)
lost soul...!!
lost soul...!!
hey loves!!!
lost soul...!!
lost soul...!!
it's my first story on this account! 🤧🤧
lost soul...!!
lost soul...!!
I really wanted to write this plot! 😆so I did.
lost soul...!!
lost soul...!!
support me so I can give you lotsssssss of episodes 😉




Why deleted the first story, dear..?!



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