EP 10

Late In Night
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Peek **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Where is she ** mumble
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Her phone location tells she is at home ..but she is not in room
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Tlit head and peek out from behind his back**
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Did you do PhD in theft or master's
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Flinch and turn **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Blink **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Fold her hand **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Raise eyebrow**
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Blink **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
gulp **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Lift her **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
What the nark ** gasp
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
How can you wear something like this... When you live with two men
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Dev ** furious
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Put her on dressing table **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
How can you wear only robe in two men's presence
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Clenched her eyes**
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
First and last thing... after 8 o'clock they don't step in my bedroom...until I don't call them
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Mm ~
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Caresses her cheeks **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
You got dark circle... Why you take so much stress
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Blink **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Kiss her eyes **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Clenched her eyes**
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Lean closer**
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
With which right you are touching me ** mumble
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Kissing me ** mumble
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
lift her chin**
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Do I need to tell you which right
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Dev....why don't your understand
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
It will destroy everything
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
My presence in your life with bring problems for you
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Auntie say's truth...
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
pull her closer and nearly kiss her **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Hitched her breath**
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Divi i gave you Name
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
when you started walking... You always held my fingers for support
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
School to college you were always with me classes were different but we were together
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
School to college... how many times you got suspended because of me
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Doesn't matter
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
You are Lucky charm for me Divi
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
I am Im...
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
I don't give fu*k about anything
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Not once....but two years Dev....for two years every day and night
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
आज भी मेरे बदन से वह गंदी बदबू आती है उसकी (Even today I can smell that foul odor from my body.)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Place against her soft skin **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Clenched her eyes**
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
And I still love your soul more than body
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Why ** mumble
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Because it's you
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Carry her and take her to the bed **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Carefully led her in bed**
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Looking at him **
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Remove tshirt and get in bed **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Look away**
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Wrap hand around her waist and hide face in her neck**
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Y..you don't want to do anything ** Mumble
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Without your willingness no thanks
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
My needs and desires goes in hell .. Until you don't allow i won't get closer to you
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
She is pretty ** mumble
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
huh ⁉️
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
who ⁉️
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Hug tightly from back **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Patil jii beti ** mumble
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Trying to hook me up with someone else
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Trust me woman... I would choose to die but not another woman
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Why you do this ... Coming back after one and half years and saying things like this
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Dev.... You know when I was in France.... i took drugs too...to forget everything
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
I tried many things to forget but i always failed
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
I know... I know those things too which you will never tell me
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Sleep ...divi sleep
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
From tomorrow you have to work alot
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Hmm ~~
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Devrath Rajpurohit (ML)
Kiss her forehead**
Next morning
As first ray of sun fell on her peaceful sleep got disturbed and she turned other side to find the comfort which she gets last night. It had fainted fragrance of his but he wasn't their.
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
rub her eyes and sit up in bed **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
He left ** mumble
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Rub neck **
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Knock on door **
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Divi.... Want to join for jogging
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
5 minutes bhaii
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Okay 👍🏻
Within next 5 minutes Devanshi got fresh and changed into tshirt and track pants...but with that she make sure wear mask too.. Indeed she didn't wanted to be hot topic right now and showing up her face right now will ruin her own plan
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Let's go ** wear earphones 🎧
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Okay 🤷🏻‍♂️ ** wear earpieces
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
वैसे ही अधनंगे होके कहां चल रहे हो तुम (Where are you going half naked like that?)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
huh ⁉️
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Look at himself "*
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
जाने देना बहन इसका चीर हरण हो जाने दे जब लड़कियां इसे आंखें फाड़ फाड़ कर देखेंगे ना तब आई रेपिंग का मतलब समझ आएगा इसको (Sister, let him go, let him get disrobed, when the girls will watch him with wide open eyes, then he will understand the meaning of eye raping)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Shook head **
After that three of them left from the penthouse and for jogging three of them went to Marine drive. And in deed Raghavan understand that time meaning of Eye Raping. But girls were not only ogling him but also Bashir ... And Devanshi she keep herself safe from both them.
After jogging three of them sit on Marine drive and Bashir brought coconut water for both of them. And Raghavan he always carry his protein shake
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Looking at ocean **
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Be like this ocean... Keep everything inside you but with yourself make others happy too
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Look at him **
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
why are you bodyguard be philosopher
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Fu*k off Raghu
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
I am not your servent to call me Raghu
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
ughh 💢
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Can't you both behave like normal humans always fight
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
i am hungry
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
pass him money**
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Go buy something for yourself
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
from where
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
From roadside vender
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
What ⁉️
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Haa ...now get lost
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
pout **
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Raghavan Thakur (FL/ML BFF)
Left while streching head **
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
just one hope he shouldn't do something crazy
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
He will surely
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Sigh **
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Ready for office
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
H..here ...in this office branch people knows me
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
H..how i am going to handle
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Your Bashir bhaii is here naa
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
I will handle everything naa
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Caresses her hair **
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Trust me
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Bashir (FL Assist/Bodyguard)
Then do whatever you want Bashir will handle rest of the things
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Devanshi Devrath (FL)
Smile **
୧⁠(⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠)⁠୨




authy, you know when i saw this i thought it was again a new season, i told my sister about this she says, it's rishta kya kehlata ka 2nd version h🙃🙃





please update your other story i m waiting for
devil's precious deadly angel and beauty and agent new chapter





author please humble request to you please continue this book it's a awesome one 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻



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