Someone's pen tapped rhythmically against the table, accompanied by a soft sigh. But as someone came into view, the melancholy atmosphere began to dissipate...
May I come in my love? *Asked softly*
Alina❄️ *small smile appears*
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
*Pout* still so cold Mr Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi!
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Hah habbit ❄️
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
I missed you *Sits on his lap*
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
What hmm? what about you? *Said while clinging to his neck*
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
I was busy Alina ❄️
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
oh ..
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
you know I'm waiting for our wedd-
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
BROOOOOOO *barged inside*
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
Literally his reaction ☝️
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
what happened sain❄️
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
Sain don't you have any shame!
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
I'm aleksei's fiancee!!! You know I was her-
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
Boss Mr kuznetsov and Mrs kuznetsov are here *said professionally*
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
Aleksei teach your assistant some manners
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Sain❄️ *signals him to leave*
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
*Nods and left*
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
You don't love me anymore....
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
*Sigh* Alina, i told you I like you I'll try to grow our relationship after marriage. soon I'll love you❄️
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
I knew it!!! You are the best!!! *Hugs him*
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Francesca Rossi-kuznetsov ( ML's Mother)
what's taking him so long?
Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi (ML's Father)
Relex honeybun.
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
(─.─||)umm Alina is also-
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Mom Dad❄️
Francesca Rossi-kuznetsov ( ML's Mother)
*Looks at the other side*
Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi (ML's Father)
*Looks at the other side*
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
👉one who is Clinging to his arms
Francesca Rossi-kuznetsov ( ML's Mother)
*hugs him* I missed you my baby
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
Hii mom *smiles*
Francesca Rossi-kuznetsov ( ML's Mother)
I'm still not your mom honey *said in a calm voice*
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
*Gulps and looks down*
Sain petrova (ML's PA/BFF)
Pfft-......*cough* oh my god this throat of mine.
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
*glares at him*
Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi (ML's Father)
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
So? somethings up?❄️ *Asked while looking at Viktor Kuznetsov*
Francesca Rossi-kuznetsov ( ML's Mother)
yes dear we are thinking to extend the marriage dat-
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
N-N...nooo I mean...why? Aunt you said that the date is confirmed so what happened now?
Francesca Rossi-kuznetsov ( ML's Mother)
because our one of the main guests are coming from India we can't start the wedding without them.
Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi (ML's Father)
Yes they are important Aleksei. Try to understand and let us extend the date of the marriage.
Aleksei Viktor Kuznetsov-Rossi( ML)
Fine! I'v some important work now *said and left*❄️
Alina semsom ( ML's fiancee)
*Clenched her fists*
It's my first time writting chat story so pls do support and trust me I'll take y'all to the another world ~~
Show some of your love lovelies ~~💜💜💜
🔥💟 Lollipop💟🔥
sooo Longgg names😁
Only Prero 🐈⬛