Four applicants left, standing near the table
Cedric Norix
Tea will be your final test
Cedric Norix
As a servant, it's normal for us to ask you for tea
Cedric Norix
But.... how about making tea from this flowers?
Rose, Lily, Daisy, Sunflower, Jasmine and etc.
Kenji York
If you don't know how to do it, then better to get out of here immediately
Alan Leviron
You better make it right, or else it will turned into a poison
Ren Claxford
I don't really like to drink a tea but I like the fragrance coming from it
Ren Claxford
How about you Luthor?
Ren Claxford
Your so boring
Olivia Drevino
Ha! you ugly woman why don't you just quit and get the hell out of here?
Olivia Drevino
Do you think you will win?
Olivia Drevino
Let me guess, you don't know anything about tea right?
Vivian Everdel
Don't be so sure about it
Vivian Everdel
As long as it is edible, it will be considered as a tea
Olivia Drevino
Are you sure about that? I don't think so
Olivia Drevino
I bet you will make poison instead of a tea
Vivian Everdel
Well why don't you just keep your mouth shut and just finish what you are trying to do instead of putting your saliva on the tea
Olivia Drevino
Ha! speak to yourself ugly creature
Vivian Everdel
(Lily and a rose could be a perfect combination)
Vivian Everdel
(I have done this once, so I can be sure with this)
*Gently put the Lily petal on the hot water*
Vivian Everdel
(Letting the water fall naturally from the Lily it could give a sweet taste coming from its petal)
*Put the petal of the rose on the tea cup*
*Pour it again in another cup*
Vivian Everdel
(Rose can produce a sweet fragrance)
Vivian Everdel
(I hope it will taste like a tea)
Cedric Norix
Time is up, bring and serve your tea here
Olivia Drevino
Let see who's going to win this time
Vivian Everdel
Pray for it
come on vivian