Back at home, Odelia finds Hudson sitting on the couch, hugging a small toy from his childhood. His face is red from crying, his eyes downcast.
Odelia Ginger / FL
Kneeling beside him "Hudson, look at me."
Hudson Ginger / FL LIL BROTHER
Quietly "I don’t want to do this, Odelia. I don’t want to say goodbye to Dad."
Odelia Ginger / FL
"I don’t either, but we have to. He deserves this, Hudson. We owe it to him to let him rest in peace."
Hudson Ginger / FL LIL BROTHER
"But it’s not fair. He was supposed to stay with us. Why did he leave?"
Odelia hugs Hudson tightly, her tears falling onto his shoulder.
Odelia Ginger / FL
"I don’t have all the answers, Hudson. But I know this—Dad loved us, and he wouldn’t want us to fall apart."
Hudson Ginger / FL LIL BROTHER
Sniffling "I’ll try… but it’s so hard."
As night falls, Odelia sets up a small altar in the living room. She lights candles, places flowers, and frames her father’s picture at the center. She looks at it for a long time, her heart aching.
Odelia Ginger / FL
To herself "I hope this is enough, Dad. I wish I could’ve done more for you."
Hudson joins her, standing silently by the altar.
Hudson Ginger / FL LIL BROTHER
Quietly "Do you think he knows how much we miss him?"
Odelia Ginger / FL
Softly "I think he does. And I think he’d want us to remember the good times, not just the pain."
The two siblings kneel by the altar, holding hands as they silently say their goodbyes. The flickering candlelight reflects the depth of their shared grief.