Chapter 15

taekook was talking near the pond, then jimin and hoseok came
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
kookie!! *appeared infront of jungkook*
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
*startled and was going to fall from the left side*
then suddenly taehyung hold jungkook shoulders
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
heyy... be careful *holding jungkook shoulder*
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
*strighten himself*
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
I'm sorry kookie, are you ok?
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
*look at jimin and smile* I'm ok minnie
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
*smiles back* what are you. two doing here?
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
hyung your holding kookie's shoulder *point at taehyung's hand in jungkook shoulder*
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Huh?? *look at his hand*
jungkook notice it too and move away and taehyung put his hand away
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Ahh... I was just trying to help him
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
let's go *hold hoseok hand and drag him away*
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
yahh hyungie where are we going? I want to play with jimin and kookie *getting drag*
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
just come with me, and shut up *dragging hoseok*
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
*laugh* HAHAHA seokie hyung got drag by taetae hyung
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
why is does taehyungie hyung dragging him.. hoseok hyung will get hurt 🙁
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
*chuckles* no he will not, taetae hyung have something to tell seokie hyung
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
Kim Jimin (last prince 15 years old)
now let's go play!!!
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
Lee jungkook (14 years old)
*smiles brightly* let's go!!
the two went to play together
while at taehyung and hoseok
taehyung drag hoseok in the garden
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
*let go of hoseok hand*
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Yahhh how dare you drag me??!! *glared*
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Oppss.. sorry sorry
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
hmmp!! 😤
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
OK OK, why do you have to point at it??!
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
why? what's wrong if I point it? *blink innocently*
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
*shakes head* don't expose me you little...
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
〒_〒 what do you mean exposing you? I didn't even expose you
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
I was just pointing and asking🙄
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
(¬_¬) yeah sure..
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
Jung hoseok (3rd prince 16 years old)
now let me go, I will go and play with jimin
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
heyy wait-
hoseok had already run away from there
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
Kim taehyung (2nd prince 17 years old)
(╥_╥) seriously??!!
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