I'm sorry
Newly Wedded couple's room
Nova Whales
*sitting on bed*
Nova Whales
Finally wedding is over
Nova Whales
Maybe Sebastian isn't going to come
Nova Whales
With the way he looked at the wedding
Nova Whales
it's not like I want to marry him
Nova Whales
Maybe I should take a bath
Nova Whales
*went into bathroom*
Nova Whales
(D*mn how do girls wear this heavy stuff I can't even took it off)
Neon Whales
*remove his wig*
Neon Whales
Finally I can breathe
Neon Whales
But this dress *see his wedding dress*
He tried to took off that heavy wedding dress
Neon Whales
*see himself in mirror*
As he was continue to gaze himself, he started sheding tears
Neon Whales
(I'm sorry sis)
Neon Whales
All those things happened because of me
Neon Whales
I should have protected you
Nova Whales
Neon should I start working?
Neon Whales
Why sis? do you want some money? Or am I not efficient yet?
Neon Whales
Why you wanna work?
Nova Whales
Silly brother, not because of anything what you said
Nova Whales
I meant so I can also support you
Nova Whales
*pout* you work till late night for us and I can't do a thing for you
Nova Whales
Like I'm taking advantage of you
Neon Whales
I'm you brother and you are my responsibility until you get married *grin*
Nova Whales
Wait that means I'm not your responsibility after marriage?? *angry*
Neon Whales
Who knows maybe I'll find someone better *smile*
Nova Whales
*hitting lightly on his chest*
Neon Whales
I'm just kidding *pats her head*
Neon Whales
You'll beat me to death at this rate
Nova Whales
Don't even talk about death in front of me *started running*
Neon Whales
*tries to catch her* be careful, we are on road*
Nova Whales
*stop in middle of cross walk and stick out her tongue* don't worry
truck driver
*driving his truck*
truck driver
Wait why breaks aren't working
truck driver
At this rate I'll hit that girl
truck driver
*started horning*