Fall And Die Village

Fall And Die Village

Chapter 1

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[outro music]

"Wow, seriously? I can't believe that your video already got 7 million views already in just five days!" My friend Alyssa exclaimed after watching my latest video on my monitor for the second time. She then turn the swivel chair to face me with her biggest and sweetest smile, but I had no time to even look at her and entertain her. I am pretty occupied to what I'm looking on my laptop that made Alyssa frown.

"Yeah. Me too." I answer with a hint of anger and dullness that made her pout and jump onto the bed to peak at my laptop.

"What are you looking at?"

"This freaking chart they've made... Urgh! I'm so not doing great." I groan as I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes for a bit to prevent tears from coming out. Yes I admit, I am the type of girl to be easily get emotional. I could instantly feel a movement beside me, and I was right. My friend suddenly flop into the bed as she intently look at the screen. I peak at her silently to see her reaction. When she realized what she's looking at, she gasp.

"Yeah, you're so not doing great." She agreed. "That Maddie girl is so still above you! How can they even like her stupid videos if all she do is eat!?"

"Yeah. Like I could really imagine."

Alyssa lied down beside me as she nudge me lightly. I was so bored and so mad that I didn't even care if she's doing it to me.

"Don't worry, we just need to think of a better video to post and then, BOOM! For sure you'll be one rank ahead of her."

"And what kind of video are you suggesting? Falling from a cliff? Because I'm sure everyone would probably gonna watch me die!"

"Well, I like the sound of that-"

"F*ck you!" With such irritation, I turn my back on her and all she did is laugh at me. So loud that makes me want to shut her up.

"Oh come on, Mich! I'm just kidding."

"Like it's really funny. Ha-ha." I spat sarcastically. Alyssa stood up from the bed and opened her phone, as she dialed someone. It too her three rings before the receiver answers.

With curiosity, I furrow my brows as I try to guess who she called. But instead of telling me any clues, she just crazily smiled at me like a creep!

"What's with that smile? It's creeping me out, dude." She just chuckle as she run downstairs.

"Wait!!" I shouted and followed her. I found Alyssa on the kitchen, already pouring herself an orange juice.

"Gosh! You scared me to death! I thought something's gotten into you."

"You worry too much, Mich. Here, have an orange juice and watch some tv. I wanna bake something."

"What are you planning, Aly?"

"Nothing! I just like to bake, that's all. And I want you to relax because I know you're just about to cry earlier."


"And also, I have a new cookie recipe I found out on Easy Chef and I want you to be the first to taste."

"How sweet of you, Aly."

"Yeah, I know so you just buckle up on your couch and watch Netflix whatsoever. Sounds good?"

All I did was nod as I smile to the thought that I have a supportive and loving friend. Also, considering the fact that she's a better cook than me, that reallt made me love her even more.

I take a seat as I decided to indeed watch Netflix, a platform for online movies. Scrolling to a lot of new and old movies, series and cartoons, I finally ended up watching the latest series of spongebob.

With almost ten minutes later, an echoing sound of the doorbell instantly alarmed me and ofcourse my friend who called someone, Alyssa. I look at her and she's already looking at mem

"Is that your visitor already?" I ask.

"More like yours. Now go open up that door and let him in!"


She didn't even respond as I start to ask myself who could be the person behind this door. Oh well, I'll just have to open it for me to see. So, I unlock the door, swung it open, revealing the person I've been longing to see.

"Hi babe!"


With so much excitement and happiness and I don't know what to feel more, I immediately jump to hug him. Indeed it was a surprise for me because we've been in a long distance relationship. Mike's supposedly still be having a vacation to his grandparents'.

"I missed you-" I instantly catch his lips as he responded, making us do it for about ten seconds. With air we need to catch, we decided to break it at that moment and stare in his eyes.

"I've missed you too, babe."

"Awww. What a lovely divey you two." Alyssa interrupted as she cross her hands on her chest.

"Wait. So,- you! Is Mike the one you called earlier?" I asked, really surprise to even realize it now!

"Yep. Just happy that you didn't even suspected it was him."

"But I thought you'd be staying there for two weeks?" I turn back my gaze at him.

"Well, I think I'm just good at surprises."

"Aww that's so sweet Mike. You don't know how happy you made me-"

"You see Mike? That's what I'm talking about. And I've never failed to call you when I can't handle this emotional girlfriend of yours."

After the cookies were done, we three decided to have a snack and continue to watch Spongebob, but I know Alyssa would not want to watch cartoons.

"Give me the remote, Mich! I wanna watch movie Series like Friends or Thirteen Reasons Why!"

"Nope. I'm enjoying this one. Are you, babe?" I ask and turn to him.


"Hey give me the remote!" I shouted as Alyssa managed to steal the remote from me, clicking other movies.


"Give it back! I wanna finish the movie!"

"I've had enough of that cartoons, Mich and I want another show!"

"Girls, I think you should stop because it might get destroyed."

"NO!" We shouted in unison as we start to be the cat-dog situation. She starts to click a lot of digits and suddenly~

|News Daily

For the entertainment news. These photos got viral after one travel posted these images and one video online of an amusement park named the 13th ave. For the detail, Reporter Mickey, on air.

[Flash sound]

"We can see that these images are somehow scary for others but for Ashley and her husband Joshua, this marks a history of her own.


"While we were about to go to another location for our travel vlog, we just happen to pass this amusement park and at first sight, it really got us spooked! But when we decided to stop and look around, they place is still wonderful and you can feel the story of happiness of the kids who used to come here for the rides."

[End interview]

They also told us that they would want to find out what had happened on that place, and will surely create a video about it after a research.

I wasn't able to focus on the main report because something inside me tells me that I want to go there and find out what actually happened on that place.



"What if... what if we do a vlog there?"

"What? At that abandoned, scary amusement park?"



"Why not?"

"Cause it's creepy as f*ck and I wouldn't dare going there."

"But you see, this is the BOOM video you're talking about! Something spicy, something to talk about, something new."

"You know what? No. No that's not IT."

I look at my boyfriend with sparkling eyes after coming up with a great video idea.

"Babe, do you want to be the videographer for this vlog?"

"What? Mich, no-"

"Sure babe. If it'll make you happy."


"Mike, you're agreeing with this?" Alyssa ask.

"What's wrong? Are you a p*ssy or something, Alyssa?"

"What!? No!"

"Then why don't you just support me in this? I have a feeling that 'THIS IS IT'! I have a feeling that making this video there would actually beat Maxine."

She gave a 'not so sure' look.

"Okay. Convince me then to why should I not do a vlog there."

She starts to act really worried and strange as she starts biting her own nails. She then look at me straight in the eyes that send chills down my spine.

"Its because I know the place."

There's a silence after until I decided to laugh it out.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing. I'm just so happy you knew the place. Then, we should head there tomorrow."

"But Mich-"

"And it's either you support me on this one, or not."


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