Ana Kelsey
Mamaa will be back soon, Albert. I woke up early and went to get some groceries. Okay?
Albert Kelsey
*went silent*
Albert Kelsey
Did you come home last night?
Ana Kelsey
*I have to hide Albert from Zane...*
Ana Kelsey
Albert, Don't go out anywhere today. Okay?
Ana Kelsey
*hang up and leave to her small rented house*
While I was going home, I asked every person who I was friends with for lending me some money, some didn't pick up my calls, some straight up denied me, I can't blame them, Who would willingly give me money, I don't even know if I can feed Albert three meals today, there was nothing I can do.
Tears welled up my eyes again as I was standing at the entrance, Albert must be waiting for me, and the fact that he knew I was lying about me coming home last night was breaking me apart more. My baby knew that I was lying, but he still played along as if he trusted me wholly.
What was I doing anyway for him? I am such a bad mother, I don't deserve him.
When a woman's scornful voice rose against my ears, I turned around only to meet her angry face.
Hedy (Landlord)
The month is already ending, you haven't paid the rent last month as well. So, when exactly are you planning to pay?
Ana Kelsey
Madam, please give me some time. I will pay soon.
I know I was lying, but I can't do anything. Can I?
Hedy (Landlord)
Shut up! I am tired of listening to your excuses, listen...Leave my house today.
Hedy (Landlord)
Don't make me call the cops on you.
Hedy (Landlord)
I already did you a favor, you were pregnant with someone's child. You are not even married, still I let you stay here.
Hedy (Landlord)
You know what apartment people think of you?
Ana Kelsey
*lower down gaze*
Hedy (Landlord)
By the evening, pack your things and leave.
She looked at me with one last disdained eyes, and turned on her heel, and I couldn't speak anything. I know she was right, nothing works in this world without money.
I have to pay for everything, from the house rent, to Albert's school fees.
Should..I take help from Zane for Albert?
straight emotionless freak ❄️
it's exactly what he wants girl