Alien King's Bride ( Taekook)
~ Ep 5~
Those aliens took tae to the king and they all are now standing in front of the king and other members ...
They opened Tae's blindfold
Kim Taehyung
* opened his eyes*
Tae looked around...and then he looked at the being who was sitting in the throne .
He is like humans...but something is different in he is glowing a little....
Kim Taehyung
( is this there king.. ?)
Kim Taehyung
(He is so handsome.......How can an alien be this handsome.....☺️)
Some aliens: xingvndjy jidusnjggy beug hdmnaob ?
" Lord He intruded on our planet ...what to do with him...?"
it's there alien language.....
Xeon Jungkook
* looking at Tae...*
Xeon Jungkook
Hskbwg yeikga xoyegf duh dfdyw nmkbvbbdbb mm ... .
" Don't do anything .. tommorow I will marry him..."
Xeon Seok-jin
" what..?"
Xeon Namjoon
* shocked*
Hshywg skiey ?
" What are you saying ...?"
Kim Taehyung
( what are they talking about....? They looked shocked ....)
Kim Taehyung
( are they going to kill me...? Oh no...)
Xeon Jungkook
ju hsysb sjambsuhw hsihev . Jaugav hdyheb duyev xiksbbs ?
Xeon Jungkook
" i will marry him, don't you agree too little being...?"
* to tae*
Kim Taehyung
( are they asking me something...? I can't understand there language....)
Kim Taehyung
( Are they asking about me...?)
* sigh*
Kim Taehyung
Hello Mister...Sir...whatever......
I am Kim Taehyung ,I am a good boy, I came here accidentally.
Xeon Jungkook
kwhh sh shhwv .sijw dokebb siwj bdgbs eijwh suhwiijmm
Xeon Jungkook
" See...he agreed so tommorow will be our marriage."
Xeon Seok-jin
Jimina xuehgsjk fuheb kkihh...
" Jimina..arrenge the things for marriage"
Xeon Jimin
Yevsh mizhb
" yes mom"
Kim Taehyung
(They all are going....?)
Jungkook walks towards tae... Tae stepped back little
Xeon Jungkook
Be ready to marry me tommorow
* smirked*
Xeon Jungkook
* left from there*
Kim Taehyung
What ...? Marry...?
How was it bubaas..
Oh Tae we're talking about Jungkook here, he'll look handsome in every form swear to god
so kook can understand human language but not others
any Muhammad
i can't help but laugh😂😂 the word is like someone smashing the keyboard 🤣🤣🤣