hey I'm searching for a taekook FF in which Taehyung was poor or orphan and was jungkook's bf Jimin is Taehyung 's friend what happened is Jimin loves Taehyung but Taehyung loves kook so Jimin snach tae from kook he first make kook fall in love with him and brainwashed him to tourter tae one night he tourter tae so much that he leaves him but later he find out that Jimin actually played with him to get tae. and tae was namjin's son who are very rich richer than jk later Jimin and tae marry but Jimin had cancer then he die but Vmin had a baby together. after Jimin die jk again married with tae can you please tell me what was that FF name I did not remember the title and I want to read that soo badly
that's disgusting- like tf!! man
Author if he dares to listen to her then I'm gonna curse these so called step siblings till my death! 🕊😇👍🏻
Bam Bi
hey I'm searching for a taekook FF in which Taehyung was poor or orphan and was jungkook's bf Jimin is Taehyung 's friend what happened is Jimin loves Taehyung but Taehyung loves kook so Jimin snach tae from kook he first make kook fall in love with him and brainwashed him to tourter tae one night he tourter tae so much that he leaves him but later he find out that Jimin actually played with him to get tae. and tae was namjin's son who are very rich richer than jk later Jimin and tae marry but Jimin had cancer then he die but Vmin had a baby together. after Jimin die jk again married with tae
can you please tell me what was that FF name I did not remember the title and I want to read that soo badly
that's disgusting- like tf!! man
Author if he dares to listen to her then I'm gonna curse these so called step siblings till my death! 🕊😇👍🏻