The Newborn Of A New Page

Once in a futuristic city on a modern planet of metal and silvers named "Terra", where magical stuff exist, therefore a mother is giving birth to a beautiful baby girl named "nydrea", she is luckily burned with a loving parents, the mother named "Moira" and the father named "fora", both of them lived in an ordinary household.

Moira have a job as a librarian and government's secret powerful mage while fora have a job as a leader of the most powerful military on the planet, their high position make nydrea lived in harmony with adoring parents which makes her childhood is the best one a child can ever have.

In 6 years old she's get into her first ever kindergarten, she feels really happy to be in the kindergarten because she make a friend named "aphrodite", she's a really beautiful and graceful gifted child makes nydrea happy to be with her because of her kindness as well.

Whe she gets home she tells her parents about her new first ever friend she makes

Moira:how is your first day honey?

She asks gently with a smile

Nydrea:it's great mommy, I make a friend, she's called aphrodite..

She says happily as she showed her a hologram magical picture of aphrodite comes out of her hand that Moira had taught her the spell before school

Moira:she looks lovely nydrea.. your dad is home tonight, why don't you helped me cook dinner for him?

She says inviting nydrea as she's reach out her hand before nydrea take her hand in hers and nodding accepting the invitation

Nydrea:that would be lovely mommy..

She says as Moira carried her up on her shoulder and leading the way to the kitchen to cook dinner with her mother for her father.

5 years later


nydrea's dad, fora, is becoming busy with his job because there's an attack from a mysterious entity in a form of a human shaped doll, fire, corrupted plants, gold, ice, and water, apparently the enemies in a soldier that sent by the deadly sins of the different omniverse which is contains unknown power within them, the attack was so powerful that the strongest military force is struggles by it.

The daylight sky became red by the pollution of the weapons and destruction as nydrea is alone in her house because Moira is away to do her job as the most powerful mage to assist fora with the counter attack, aphrodite is constantly visiting the house to calm nydrea down and accompany her while her parents are away.

7 years later


The attack is still going on for years as the military forces is started to get cornered, nydrea and aphrodite now is joined the forces under her father's command because of their both ability to use weapons and magic flawlessly and can control the soldiers robotic suit that enchanted their ability multiple times.

they fought the human shaped elements as hard as they can even though it's never stopped but at least it can protect them from the civilization, the sky starts shattering with more attacks as everyone starts looking at the sky in fear, the military forces starts fighting above their limits to protect the civilization as the mages also helping half of the attack.

Nydrea and aphrodite starts getting tired as their body weakened and falls onto the ground while they're flying in their robotic suits, nydrea looks up in the sky feeling numb all over her body as the ground starts shaking by the increasing attack as the sky shatters even more revealing as massive hands in the sky as if it holding the planet with two hands as both of the hands starts glowing brighter and brighter releasing a beam of light all over the planet as it started to burns everything on it.

Nydrea and aphrodite starts closing their eyes feeling all of their work is gone in a blink of an eye as she can hear the painful screaming of the civilization being burned alive by the beam of light.

the beaming is keep going for 3 days straight as nydrea feels like she's still alive as she opened her eyes to see everything is ashes as she get on her knees in desperation.

She felt like someone is in front of her as she looks up seeing aphrodite and Moira creating a shield that prevent the beam of light touching three of them as the shield starts weakened and shatters at the same time as aphrodite fainting out of energy on nydrea's arm as she looks at her in shocked and confusion as tears flowing down her cheeks as she looks at Moira also almost out of energy.

She take a breath as she swings her magic wand as strong as she can as she manage to destroy the giant hand figure to pieces, ending the apocalypse with a single wand as she's finally out of energy and falls onto her knees weakly as she looks and nydrea.

Moira: nydrea.. go look over the omniverse honey.. find those who commanded to destroy our planet.. the fate shall bless you with an omni power.. but before go.. make sure to destroy this planet into pieces.. burn every corpse on sight.. make sure they don't hurt us ever again in our afterlife...

She said as she faints into her arms as nydrea's tears flowing down even more as her body starts twitching and gets harder and harder as she gets up with her body covered with dark matter and consuming her body as more dark matter bursts out of the planet surface and gathering on nydrea's body as she's started to float.

She looks down in numb expression as she starts jumping down as strong as she can, as she landed the ground starts cracking and broke making a big impact on the surface as the whole planet starts trembling by her power as it broke into pieces, blowing away everything on its surface as it guts bursts out, nydrea is also blown away far far away from the solar system as she opened her eyes to see her beloved planet is only a pieces of metal floating through space as she keep drifting away while her own body started to broke into pieces as well and frozen by the small temperature of the space.

"The.. sins.. must.. repent...."

"The.. virtue's.. blessings.. occurs.. "

"The fate.. is.. with us.. "

She says silently as she starts to lose consciousness and slowly dies with no body anymore.


Note: before Terra was invaded by the mysterious entities, it was already polluted the planet with it's dark matter that forms dark matter from the inside of the planet, but because of the very surface of the planet is mate out of metal and silvers it cannot spread to the surface of the planet and only locked inside it for years, that's why when nyx destroying the planet a dark matter bursting out and covered her body with it giving her a power to manipulate time for a short time and absorption that depends on what object shes gonna absorbs, if it's greater than a supermassive black hole then she can't, another power she gets is an extra strength and can form the dark matter into any shape she wants but she has to sacrifice some part of her body because she reincarnated with a body also made out of dark matter, but in the process of shaping her new body there's an extra piece of dark matter that she forms into a double blades scythe.


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