Tragic Life Or Second Chance??
Chapter 11
Days were passing and every day tang Yue's new talent show up and she was looking healthy and happy now
Ming (Royal Advicer)
*knok on the chamber of tang Yue*
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Princess Yue allow me to in
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Greetings princess
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Princess last night you made a sweet and your majesty love it so I bring her request for preparing those sweet again
Tang Yue
Sure I will prepare them
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Ahh... Princess Yue this weekend royal concert's brother is going to come I hope you will prepare something for him
Tang Yue
Well I am here because of your majesty so if your majesty order me to prepare I will do it
Ming (Royal Advicer)
ohh I get you
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Ming (Royal Advicer)
She refused
Shi (Empress Consort)
Shi (Empress Consort)
Ok your majesty
Shi (Empress Consort)
Your majesty I want to say something
Shi (Empress Consort)
Princess Tang is very good at everything but I really want to do something for her
Shi (Empress Consort)
And I called my brother I hope princess tang will like him
Ming (Royal Advicer)
I apologize but I don't think princess Yue will not like him
Xu Qaio
Well I think that too
Shi (Empress Consort)
Xu Qaio
Shi you don't need to invite him here as Princess Tang is happy here
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Ahh yes royal concert
Shi (Empress Consort)
Hmm fine... Ok then I will take my leave
Shi (Empress Consort)
*bow and left*
Tang Yue
You called me royal highness
Shi (Empress Consort)
Yes Yue come and have a sit
Tang Yue
Sure *sit next to her*
Shi (Empress Consort)
Shi (Empress Consort)
*smile at her*
Shi (Empress Consort)
Indeed you are so beautiful and young... Well no one can fullfill your lose but...
Shi (Empress Consort)
I will come on the point
Shi (Empress Consort)
My brother is going to come here for some reason I want you to think about him
Tang Yue
Am sorry I don't want to think about him or anyone else at least not for now
Shi (Empress Consort)
Ohh I see
Tang Yue
If you don't have any to then I will leave *bow and left*
Bye guys stay safe and healthy