Untold Story & Pain: Taekook
King & Queen in this Fanfiction will be called His and your highness.
Emperor and Empress: His and your majesty.
Although, Jungkook is king but he will become emperor when he had his own "Heir".
I hope you won't get confuse: You can treat Jungkook as crown prince. But he has more power than crown prince.
In the palace, Everyone is busy with their own work.
The West wing of Palace is belong to "Queen Jeon Taehyung". Meanwhile the East and North wing belongs to Jungkook and his consort Min Ari.
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
*Playing with little animals in his yard after doing his morning routine..*
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
Jeon Ha-rin [Eldest Princess]D/o Jk &Ari
Greetings Queen mother!
*Sweet voice*
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
Where's Ha-yoon?
*Calm and Gentle voice.*
Jeon Ha-rin [Eldest Princess]D/o Jk &Ari
She's still sleeping Queen mother.
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
*Looked at the maid.*
If you have something to say, say without hesitation.
*Calm voice*
Royal Maids
Your highness, I heard that Consort Min Ari is not feeling well.
*Hesitating tone.*
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
Inform imperial physician to check on Consort Min Ari health.
*Calm and Gentle voice, but face remains indifferent.*
Royal Maids
Yes your highness!
*Bowed and left from there.*
After sometime, Tae's special maid came with imperial physician. In the absence of His husband it is Tae's responsibility to handle everything.
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
*walked towards the consort Min Ari's chamber.*
At the same time, Empress heard the news and came to meet Taehyung.
Imperial physician
*Checking Consort Min Ari's pulse.*
Consort Min Ari/❤️JK Madly[2nd Wife]Evil
*Stirred up in her sleep.*
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
Greeting Mother!
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
No need for that Tae Dear!
*Dignified voice*
Consort Min Ari/❤️JK Madly[2nd Wife]Evil
*Opened her eyes and got startled to see everyone in her room.*
Consort Min Ari/❤️JK Madly[2nd Wife]Evil
*Hurriedly got and felt dizzy.*
Imperial physician
Consort Min Ari, Don't be so impulsive.
Consort Min Ari/❤️JK Madly[2nd Wife]Evil
*Sat back in the bed and greeted them Taehyung and Empress.*
Long live your majesty, his highness.
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
*Nodded and remained silent.*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
*Nodded and remained silent.*
Imperial physician
*After the checking and looked at Empress & Taehyung.*
Your Majesty! Your Highness! There's nothing to worry about Consort Min Ari's health. There's actually good news. Consort Min Ari is already three months pregnant. We will have a heir soon, I hope.
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
*Don't know how to react.*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
(Of course, I'm happy that I will get another princess but at this moment, I don't know how to react.)
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
Thank you imperial physician. That's your reward.
*Gave a jade to physician without hesitation.*
Imperial physician
Thank you, your highness.
*Accepted it and bowed respectfully.*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
*Snapped out from her daze and looked at Taehyung.*
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
*Remained Calm. Neither Happy nor sad.*
Queen Jeon Taehyung/JK Wife[Kind-❤️JK]
*Had Blank expression.*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
(Will Taehyung be ready to fulfill Royal Priest prediction this time?)
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
(I can't read out his expression anymore.)
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
(In those years, I disappointed and did many injustice to him. In the blindness of Heir, I hurted & humiliated him everyday.)
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
(Is this karma?)
Within a few hours the news of Consort Min Ari being pregnant spread throughout the palace and everyone is very happy and expecting a heir this time.
But God know what he has planned...
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
*Returned to her chamber.*
Taehyung never wanted Jungkook to marry anyone else because he could never imagine sharing his love and husband with anyone else. Taehyung is very strong-willed, wise and proficient in each art. He's perfect wife of Jungkook and perfect Queen of Kingdom. His only weakness is his Kindness.
Due to some reasons.... Empress made Taehyung agree to Kook's second marriage. Maybe forcefully or maybe by emotional play. What could Taehyung do, he had no option but to agree?
He's Heartbroken but no one is there for him to mend his broken heart.
Time passed, and soon everyone got first happy news. Taehyung never got in his almost four years marriage with Jungkook. But, Min Ari is pregnant with his offspring.
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
Min Ari, Congratulations and Thank you for giving me this good news. Kook will also be very happy after hearing this.
*Smiling and very happy.*
Consort Min Ari/❤️JK Madly[2nd Wife]Evil
*Smiled forcefully.*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
What happened? What's wrong?
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
Are you not happy about this?
Consort Min Ari/❤️JK Madly[2nd Wife]Evil
It's not like that, your majesty. I'm very happy. I'm just tired that's it.
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
Okay, You take rest.
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
*Left Min Ari's chamber.*
Min Ari special Maid[Empress people]Mei
Your Majesty, Can I talk to you for a moment?
*Bowed and caution tone.*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
Min Ari special Maid[Empress people]Mei
Your Majesty, I know the reason why Consort Min Ari is sad.
Min Ari special Maid[Empress people]Mei
His highness Jungkook came to wish her and left immediately after that. Consort Min Ari wished to spend time with him and talk about the baby. You know how pregnant women feel and easily get emotional, your majesty.
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
*Frowned slightly*
Empress Yi Sun/Kook's Mother[Selfish🖤]
I know, you can leave.
*Firm voice*
I hope you all are understanding and liking it.
Don't forget to give your support.
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it's been a while since I read u author I'm happy to find another great story that ur magnificent mind concocted 💞❤🥰
queen of hell 😈😈
yeah 😌😌
Jinie's Pink FlipFlops
not gonna work again