Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Would you want to stay with me at my house
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
I want yoi to stay with me and we both do work and fun together 😁
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Lu Baby Please 🥺
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Can't resist her cuteness 😍**
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
I will stay
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Come with me then
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
But I have nothing with me
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Tomorrow we will bring your clothes and other things 😉
Than Lu Yuxiao and Bai Lu goes home on Lu Yuxiao bike
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
How is riding
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
I'm enjoying a lot 😀
Than they have fun ride while going home 😀
After half hour ride they reached Lu Yuxiao House
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Shock to see house **
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Yuxiao is this your house 😵
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Still in shock**
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Dragging Bai Lu inside the house **
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Mom see who came 😆
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
Coming 😁
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Mom meet my friend Bai Lu 😁
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Hello Aunty 😀👋
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
Hello Dear 🤗
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
Call me mom like Yuxiao 😆
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
Say please 🥺
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
please 🥺
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
pretty please 🥺
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Can't resist**
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
Perfect 👌
Xu Nan(FL Mother)
Yuxiao take your friend to her room till I will arrange dinner
Than Lu Yuxiao take Bai Lu to her room and both of them get fresh and came downstairs for dinner
When they reached Bai Lu saw two more people
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Bai Lu meet my Handsome Dad and My Silly Brother 😁
Xu Zheng(FL 2nd Brother)
Hot and Sexy Brother not Silly 😜
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
I'm Bai Lu 😊
Xu Shaohua(FL Father)
Hello Dear
Xu Shaohua(FL Father)
And call me Dad no Uncle 🥺
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
All are same **
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Can't resist anyone**
Xu Zheng(FL 2nd Brother)
Badump Badump 💕
Xu Zheng(FL 2nd Brother)
Her smile is perfect, and she looked cute in dimples**
Xu Zheng(FL 2nd Brother)
What I'm thinking 🤔**
Xu Shaohua(FL Father)
Let have dinner 😀
Than everyone get settled and have dinner together 😺
Bai Lu was liking everything
She didn't know them but seeing Lu Yuxiao happiness she found that they are better than those people 😁
After dinner Bai Lu and Lu Yuxiao went to room because Bai Lu want to know what is happening
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Now tell me what is going on
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
You are staying with Lu Family than how come you are here
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
I cut all ties with Lu Family 😞
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
What happened 😨
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Tell you later
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
So who are they
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
They are my real family who love a lot 😻
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Even though I'm not their daughter or sister, but they loved me a lot 💘
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
Never felt that I'm an orphan 😢
Lu Yuxiao(FL)
All these years I was away with them, but now I came here again, and I will not leave them
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
No matter what you do I'm with you
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
So what Family they are
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
I found them familiar
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
What did you said
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
You mean Richest Family
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
Is it a dream Lu Yuxiao
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
I'm going to sleep 😴
Bai Lu(FL BFF)
It is too much for me
Than they both slept in one room
Le Yang(Butler)
I called you to inform one thing
Le Yang(Butler)
That project which was stopped one month before is started again
Le Yang(Butler)
So you still want to invest in that project
Are you saying true professor
That project started again
Le Yang(Butler)
From today onwards
Le Yang(Butler)
And my both Students told me that they will complete this project in one week
Le Yang(Butler)
That is good
So I will come to meet you professor in two days
Le Yang(Butler)
At that time I will introduce you to both of them 😉
Mam we found Second Miss
Lu Shishi(FL Big Sister)
She is working in LS Institute
Lu Shishi(FL Big Sister)
Lu Shishi(FL Big Sister)
We will go and meet her tomorrow
Lu Han(FL 2 Brother)
Whom you are going to meet Elder Sister
Lu Shishi(FL Big Sister)
Lu Yuxiao
wrong character
Wrong character 😑
Piali Mallick
wrong character