I Got Married to My Crush but He Hates Me.
Episode - 11
Then suddenly someone respond outside the door.
please don't call the police
We are your husband friends.
Friends, Seriously, do they think I will believe in their lies.
Luna River - FL
How should I believe you?!!
Luna River - FL
And why you are not responding me?
Luna River - FL
When I continually Asking "Who is there??!!"
Luka Sky - BFF
Come on, let us in.
Luka Sky - BFF
We’re freezing out here!
What, WHAT I am asking to him, and what is he answering!!??
Luna River - FL
Are you out of your mind?
Luna River - FL
Why should I let you in ?
Luka Sky - BFF
Please, let us in
Luka Sky - BFF
We are just messing with you sister.
Luka Sky - BFF
We are really your husband friends.
They think, if they plead me, I will let them in. In there dreams.
How dare They try to trick me.
Luna River - FL
How should I believe you!?
Luna River - FL
prove me that, You are my husband friends.
Luka Sky - BFF
what!? How should I prove to you?
He is trying to convince me to let him in. Then suddenly I heard another one voice.