It was almost noon when Cain reached his mom's cafe. He opened the door and got inside. He walked towards his mom who was busy dealing with his customers.
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
What took you so long ? I thought you would come right after you drop Cherry at school
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
*Look at him*
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Although Cain was wearing a hat and mask , Caden could sense that Cain had cried just by looking at his eyes
Caden grabbed Cain's hands and dragged him towards the backside of the shop
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Cain~ *soft voice*
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Did you stop by at his-
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
No *looking down*
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
It's been five years Cain
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
You have to move on
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
You can't always-
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
I'm fine mom
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
I'm okay
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
I just... I had a little dream about him and then i... I didn't want to go there but somehow i ended up there
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
I'm sorry
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
I know i promised that i would never cry about that but it.... it still hurts mom *teary eyes*
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
My baby~ *hug him*
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
It's okay.... Everything will be okay
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
You just have to keep believing in yourself
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
And.... *Look at him*
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Please don't blame yourself
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
It wasn't your fault
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
It was
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
It wasn't , no one could've predicted that
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
It was an accident
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
It's not your fault
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
You should go back to your work mom
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
Customers would be waiting
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
The part timer would take care of it
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
You know what ? Maybe you need to go on a date
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Maybe meeting someone nice would be good to lift your mood
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
Ughh... Not this again
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Come on... don't be like that
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Are you planning to be single for the rest of your life ?
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
Yeah... what's wrong with that ?
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
*Sigh* Baby~ you need someone in your life
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
And what about you ? You never married anyone and you looked after me all by yourself
Caden Astor/Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
To be continued


Moon glow

Moon glow

got u there girlfriend /Proud//Chuckle/





his grave....right





Ohhhh~ not only will you get a husband and one more son, but you will also get a father soon!!! 🌝



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