"Every End Marks a New Beginning" BUT Who Is Responsible ?.....(TK)

"Every End Marks a New Beginning" BUT Who Is Responsible ?.....(TK)

What The Fuck was That ?(Premiere)

*cluk cluk cluk cluk*
*chii clink*
The sounds of various test tubes clashing with each other .... The sounds of Chemicals mixing with one another ..... The Scene playing in front of me is that of inside a laboratory
As I Observe it's a quiet spacious lab with various test tubes and different colored liquid chemicals. But it is not filled with scientists ..... There is only one scientist working in the whole big lab .... Where are the other scientists ?
The atmosphere was not very pleasant.... The light was very dim and green giving the eerie feeling.... Something is not right. The steps of the present scientist was quite hurried .... As if he could get caught in doing something wrong any moment now . The face is covered with a mask making me not able to see him properly..... All I am able to see is his calculated actions and frantic eyes ... His hands moving so naturally and calculatingly .... His brows frowning, concentrating at the task in act .... His senses on alert ... His eyes frantic yet His actions so smooth and easy . What a fascinating scene in a eerie place ... What is not fascinating is the fact that I don't know what is he making or what is his intentions..... Which apparently doesn't seem right to me
Just before i could ponder on my thoughts the scientist stood up excitedly .... His hands finally taking rest as he held up a injection tube containing a green liquid ... I saw as he filled the liquid into a larger tube ... He carefully held the tube smiling at it as if his life depended on it ..... Haha i chuckled at my own thoughts
"Ahahahahaa finally yes ! Now no one can stop me from being what I want ..... I will be one of the famous Einsteins in the books of historys..... I will be remembered as the first man who was responsible for the great evolution of humanity .... And finally I can provide justice to my son"
The scientist stated happily.... His laugh gave me the creeps ... What does he mean by evolution of humanity? Something is definitely not right ..... I looked at the smiling face of the scientist. What is this ? Why am I feeling so nauseated? Just then I saw him moving towards the right wall .... He then touched the wall as if finding something then he pressed his hand into a certain portion of the wall
I stood shocked as I saw a squared portion of the wall pushed inside like a invisible button and then a rectangular place opened through the floor .... It looked like some underground basement ... The scientist walked down the stares .... I observed for a minute then too followed behind
What is the worst that could happen anyway?
After reaching what I saw wrecked my brain ..... It was a underground hidden laboratory.... There was many test subjects as in wild creatures who were confined in cages or tubes ..... Various organs were preserved in glass jars ... Bones , intestines, lungs , even brains ..... In the middle there was a large table where a boy layed with various cuts and bruises on his body
His hands and legs where tied with chains .... He was almost nacked .... The only piece of torn cloth which barely managed to hide his nudity had something written in bold letters
"Subject 101"
The Boy was whimpering and trashing.... His voice and whimpers were Filled with unimaginable pain .... His eyes,nose,mouth tied with clothes and bleeding, his body almost lost muscles and flesh, the scientist went towards the boy and opened his eye fold .... When I saw his eyes I was horrified cause it wasn't anything eye of a human
It was that of a dead
No emotions.... No feeling.... No tears as if already embraced his death
"i am sorry my son but this is all for you"
The FUCK ...... This is his son ! No ! Impossible.... How can a father do this to his own son .... Watching these the hairs of my body stood up
This was so inhuman! And he was talking about evolution of humanity? He himself is a Fucking animal
I saw him keeping the tube in a fridge safely confining it .... He locked it with various passwords
Then he took the same injection and as I saw he -
"NO don't !!"
He injected the chemical into his son's body ?!
How could he use his own son as a subject to his tests ?
How could he experiment on a fucking human ? This is against the law !
"Hey ! Hey ! I say stop it !"
I Shouted ! But my cries where all turned to ears of deaf
No i had to do something
I quickly approached him and tried to touch his hand and pull him but *Gasp*
Why ? Why am I-I-I not able to touch him ? Why is my hand passing through him ? What the-
I watched in horror as I saw the boy trembling badly .... His whole body was shaking uncontrollably ! His eye balls rolled at back ... His eyes turned white ! His vomited black blood and some white foam substance appread on his mouth and suddenly it all stopped.... His all movement stopped ... His body went numb .... His hands falling at the sides and eyes closed .......
Fuck ! I couldn't help but grip my hair and close my eyes in grievance of this innocent boy's death
"Oh no no no no no SON ! Please not this time I have to be successful no matter what ! No please wake up !"
This disgusting Bastard !
"You mother fucking child of Satan ! How could you sacrifice your own for ur fame and greed ? You Fucking Monster ! You don't even deserve hell . Here an innocent died and you still think of ur failed test ? Aghh"
I charged forward and punched him at his gut but to my utter bad luck my hands went through him
What the fuck is happening?
I observed him and I saw him seeing right through me at the boy
Was he not able to see me ?
He then walked right through me like i am some air
He went close to the boy ... Just as he was about to touch him suddenly*Gasp*
The fuck
My eyes widened in fear and terror as I saw......... I-I-I I saw i..... I saw .......... the dead rising...... Believe me no f-f-f-f-ucking be-be-be-believe me .... I am seeing it ....
The dead body it ... It ....
O my
I saw as the boy opened his eyes but it was all black ... Like a hellhound
His mouth was all red and black with blood
Teeth covered in red and black blood
He showed his barred to the scientist like some wild wolf
The veins of his neck turned blue and almost came out of his skins .... Black veins covered his foreheads and cheeks bones
His skin turned pale and crisped like some corpse ........ A pungent smell of decayed body filled the air...
He growled like some vicious monster
He thrashed and broke the chains in one go
He flied up and landed on the floor directly and turned slowly towards the scientist who was shaking badly ... He then ran towards him with inhuman speed .... Almost in the speed of light and grabbed his neck chocking him and lifted him on the air
Only one question repeated in my mind ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHAT THE FUC-
"No No no no le aghh le le leave me aghhh no something went wrong"
He then slowly shifted his vision and set his eyes right on mine .... I saw the same frightened eyes of the boy previously which was now of the scientist's ... He looked at me as if pleading for his life
"sa-sa-save me ... I .. I didn't mean it"
He said while being chocked
But before i could even register anything the boy ... No
Not a boy
I saw-saw him bearring
His teeth and then
*clup clash*
I saw in absolute horror as the Now turned Monster digged his teeth in the neck of the scientist and torn a big portion of his neck out like some human eating creature .... I saw it ... As he gulped the whole flesh like devouring his meal and drank the blood of the scientist ... He threw the body which was long dead on the floor and digged his hand on the body and torn his chest open and started to eat out his intestines
I couldn't help but throw up at the bloody sight
I took steps back and back ...... and back
And back
Till i hit the wall
I wanted to close my eyes and run away but my feet froze
And i couldn't close my eyes
I kept watching and watching till the scientist was completely eaten rawly and bloodyly by the deadly monster
I didn't know how and what and why
This all happened
But one thing I know is
It was too late
Just as I was about to go suddenly my hand touched a nearby glass jar and it fell
All the bloody conserved eyes in those jars fell
The monster stopped eating and very slowly turned his head towards me
And that's it ....
He looked into my eyes like some predator
But what terrIfIed me was that i didn't feel like i was looking at some eye
It was .....
My death
I screamed and ran towards the stairs which lead to my safety
But I was too late
The monster jumped high and landed right in front of me barring his teeth at me and mocking my failed attempt
But it was not the time to freeze
I ran in the opposite direction
Throwing anything that came to my hand at the freaking monster...
I ran and ran wherever my feet was taking me
I didn't know north nor south
All I know is
I Have to Survive
I ran through some empty hallways
The growling of the monster was getting lower and louder
I could feel it close to me
Just then I saw a room
That's it !!
I pushed open the door and entered the room without looking what was it and closed the door shut
The creature banged and growled and scratched
I know I can't hold It forever but before i could think of a plan a very bloody pungent smell entered my nostrils almost making me puke again
I turned around to find the source but aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I -i- what the fuck is this ?
A-a-a-a-a-a B-Bl-Blo- Bloody Mountain of human corpse ?
I scream d and opened the door to get out but that was my biggest mistake
As soon as I opened the door I saw the creature ready to jump on me
I quickly moved and dodged but now I was stuck
one side was the mountain of bloody dead corpse
And another side was my death
Just as I was about to lose hope I saw a door infront of me
Without thinking I jumped and opened the door but before i could close it
The door close itself with a loud thump and ....
Wait !
Nononononono !
No fucking
No i don't want to be stuck
I cried and cried for help
I looked around it was all dark
But suddenly a light out of nowhere reflected onto me
.......and I saw that I was surrounded by mirrors......
Big human sized mirrors .......
........I slowly went to one of them
But I couldn't see my reflection on it........
Just as I was about to touch the screen the bloody monster jumped from inside the screen of the mirror
I jumped back and fell down
Wh-what was that
I looked and saw the creature trapped in it ! It was trying to bite and scratch and break but nothing was happening....... it was caged...........
"Sweetpie ?"
Huh? Dada ?
I looked behind just to see my father caged inside another mirror
I was shocked
This is a dream
This is not possible
I i cannot lose my father
"Dada "
"Can u hear me ? "
I said as I punched the mirror trying a futile attempt of breaking it
"Stop princess ! "
"You cannot break it"
"No dada i ... I will save you "
"No my princess ... You can't .... It's my fate .... Let me go now sweetheart .... To ur mother "
No No No No Dada please don't leave me
I i lost my Mother
Not u too
Please no
"Let me go my son !"
"Let me aghhhhh"
I saw with wide eyes and teary vision
As the monster jumped behind from my dadda out of nowhere
He grabbed his hairs and teared apart his head from his body
I screamed and punched and cried for it to let him go but no use
My knees gave up as I broke down to the ground
I closed my eyes and Shut my ears and grabbed my hairs and screamed my lungs out
Not again !
Why Me ?
Why always me ?
I sobbed and sobbed till there was no sound coming from my mouth ....
I don't know how many times I had punched my hand on the bottomless dark pit to make it bleed like broken
No i have to live
I ... I have to live for My mother ... I - i promised her
I stood up and looked around to find a way out just to see that there was only one mirror quite far from me
I walked to it
And finally I could see my reflection
I looked....
And tired
Tired of running away
Tired of these shits
But still I had to live
I touched my reflection
It looked like i was holding my own hand
My mother taught me that whenever I will feel alone i should stand in front of the mirror and touch the glass
The one who will hold my Hand will be my partner forever
Maybe yes
I am my own's partner ............
I was lost in memories of the forgotten past and gazing at my hand when suddenly the reflection was not a reflection anymore
I widened my eyes as I saw my hand was gripped by my own reflection
I tried to pull out but if no use
I looked at my reflection face which has a wide creepy grin
"scared ?"
It asked ....
"leave me ... Who are you ? "
I asked struggling
Me ?
I am you !
Just then I saw in horror as my reflection turned into one like the monster..... I saw how I turned like the monster just like that boy
I was stiff
I am not a monster
But before i could do anything
It grabbed my neck and pulled me inside the mirror
I struggle to be free
But it was already dead to end
I saw as the my look alike monster's mouth ripped open and I saw the endless abyss inside it ... I closed my eyes and screamed for the one last time hoping for it to not be turned to the deaf's ears ...
Kim Taehyung/MC/School Captain
Kim Taehyung/MC/School Captain
Kim Taehyung/MC/School Captain
Kim Taehyung/MC/School Captain
*woke up*
Kim Taehyung/MC/School Captain
Kim Taehyung/MC/School Captain
What . The . Fuck . Was . That ?
Moon Child (Your author)
Moon Child (Your author)
I , Kim Sparkle, Welcome You to the Journey of Finding out ...................
. . . . .


Yᴏᴜʀ Hɪɢʜɴᴇss's Bᴜɴɴʏ≛⃝🔱

Yᴏᴜʀ Hɪɢʜɴᴇss's Bᴜɴɴʏ≛⃝🔱

dude when I start reading ur story... it really gives me scary vibes 😅





update soon.... sooooooon bub 😘 i really can't wait for this.... you have written such a amazing story... i am proud of you my little twinni 😍❤️



Yᴏᴜʀ Hɪɢʜɴᴇss's Kɴɪɢʜᴛ≛⃝🔱

Yᴏᴜʀ Hɪɢʜɴᴇss's Kɴɪɢʜᴛ≛⃝🔱

it's really very interesting... waiting for more updates 😁



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