Reborn to Rewrite

Reborn to Rewrite

Arc 1: First Day of Rebirth

Chapter 1: Awakening to Yesterday

Akira Kiyoshi wakes up to the muffled sound of his alarm blaring. He groggily reaches for his phone, stopping the noise, but a strange feeling grips him—a mix of familiarity and unease. He sits up, glancing around his room. Everything feels oddly nostalgic: the old posters on the wall, his school uniform hanging on the door, even the stuffed cat his sister left on his desk. Something is off.

Akira shakes his head, thinking it’s just another ordinary day. He puts on his uniform, noticing how loose it feels, almost like he’s grown younger overnight. As he makes his way downstairs, he’s taken aback by the smell of freshly made breakfast—something he hasn’t experienced in years since his mother passed away. Heart pounding, he enters the kitchen to see her standing there, alive and well, humming a familiar tune. His sister, Kana, is at the table, arguing with their dad about his toast.

Akira freezes. The memories of the accident, of losing them, all crash into his mind. His knees go weak, and for a second, he thinks he might pass out. The realization hits him like a train—he’s gone back in time.

Chapter 2: Reality Check

At first, Akira can barely believe it. He glances at the calendar hanging in the kitchen—it’s the beginning of his first year of high school, two years before the bus accident that changed everything. But as he sits down, his mother gives him a warm smile, and he realizes it isn’t a dream. She asks if he’s feeling okay, and he barely manages a nod, trying to keep his emotions in check.

On his way to school, Akira tries to make sense of what happened. Why now? Why did he get a second chance? He remembers how disconnected he felt during those years—drifting apart from his friends, failing to notice the cries for help from people around him, and ultimately ending up with a pile of regrets. It dawns on him that maybe this time, he could do better. Maybe he could save everyone.

Chapter 3: School, Again

Arriving at school is an overwhelming experience. The building looks the same, yet Akira notices so many little things that he had taken for granted—the laughter of classmates, the chatter in the corridors. The memories of his failures and regrets linger in his mind. As he steps into his homeroom, his eyes are immediately drawn to familiar faces: Haruka, the girl he always admired but never had the courage to confess to; Tetsuo, his best friend who drifted away, their friendship ultimately ruined by unspoken worries; and Ren, the quiet loner who always seemed to carry a hidden burden.

Akira’s heart beats rapidly as he realizes that he has the power to change things now. Determined to start making amends, he decides to change something small: where he sits. Instead of taking his usual seat at the back, he moves to the seat next to Haruka—hoping that this time, he can connect with her before it’s too late.

Haruka looks at him in surprise, but she smiles politely. Akira smiles back, hiding the warmth that rises inside him. Maybe this time, he’ll do things right.

Chapter 4: Reaching Out

Akira quickly finds that making changes is more difficult than he expected. During lunch, he decides to approach Tetsuo, who’s laughing with a group of friends. In his first life, this was the moment he walked away, feeling out of place. But now, he steels himself and walks up to the group, greeting them like he used to.

Tetsuo glances up, blinking in surprise. "Akira? What’s up, man?" he says, a little awkwardly. There’s hesitation in his eyes, as if he’s trying to understand why Akira suddenly seems interested in joining them again.

Akira sits down, smiling. “Just thought I’d hang out. It’s been a while.” Tetsuo looks taken aback, but slowly, he breaks into a genuine smile.

As they talk, Akira notices things he hadn’t before—like how Tetsuo’s laughter seems forced, or the way he hesitates before speaking, as if there’s something weighing on his mind. Akira wonders if this was the beginning of Tetsuo’s depression, something Akira hadn’t noticed until it was too late. Determined, Akira promises himself that this time, he’ll be there for Tetsuo when it counts.

Chapter 5: A Mysterious Encounter

As the school day ends, Akira stays back, watching as the classroom empties. Haruka is busy packing her things, and Akira musters the courage to offer help. She’s surprised by his gesture, but they end up walking out together, chatting casually. It feels unreal to Akira—being close to someone he’s admired from afar for so long. He notices her smile isn’t as genuine as he once thought, and he senses a sadness behind her cheerful facade.

On his way home, Akira bumps into someone he doesn’t recognize—a girl with striking eyes and a calm smile. She introduces herself as Yuki, a transfer student, and leaves a cryptic message: "It’s strange, isn’t it? Living a life all over again." Before Akira can respond, she walks away, leaving him stunned. He wonders if she knows his secret.

Chapter 6: A Change in Perspective

The next day, Akira tries to act casual, but everything feels significant. During class, he notices Ren sitting alone at his desk, scribbling in a notebook. Akira had always thought Ren was indifferent, but now, he sees the signs of loneliness, the way Ren keeps his eyes downcast, as if trying to disappear. In his first life, Akira had kept his distance, too caught up in his own issues to care about Ren’s. This time, Akira decides to change that.

At lunch, Akira walks up to Ren, who looks up with guarded eyes. "Hey, Ren. Mind if I join you?" Akira asks. Ren blinks, clearly not expecting this. There’s a moment of silence, and then Ren gives a slight nod. It’s a small start, but Akira knows it’s progress.

Chapter 7: Rebirth and Reflection

As the first week of his rebirth comes to a close, Akira sits in his room, reflecting on everything. He’s managed to make small changes—sitting next to Haruka, reuniting with Tetsuo, reaching out to Ren. But he realizes just how fragile all of it is; one wrong move could easily unravel everything. The weight of his mission sinks in, and he feels a mixture of hope and fear.

Akira looks at a photo on his desk—an old picture of him and Tetsuo, taken back before things fell apart. He feels a surge of determination. He won’t let things end the same way this time. He’ll make sure everyone he cares about is safe and happy, even if it means risking everything.

And with that determination, Akira vows to keep moving forward—to make the most of this second chance and rewrite his life.



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