The Return of the Celestial Defender

The Return of the Celestial Defender


Jun Tianyu was a legendary figure who broke the limits of cultivation by opening the Divine Gate, becoming the first to transcend the boundaries of the Tianlan Realm. Ascending to **Rank 27: Chrono-Master**, far beyond the original cap of 25 cultivation levels, he protected the realm for over **456,987 years**. His unparalleled strength maintained the balance of Spiritual Qi and defended the world against countless threats—until the day he faced the ultimate enemy: **Emperor Xianglong**, the ruler of the Cosmic Beasts.

In a titanic battle that shook the very fabric of existence, Jun Tianyu eradicated the entire horde of Cosmic Beasts, delivering a final victory for Tianlan Realm. Yet, the price was steep. Jun Tianyu perished, leaving behind a legacy of heroism and sacrifice. However, the ripple effects of his death reverberated through time: the very Divine Gate he opened destabilized the realm, attracting monstrous entities and disrupting the flow of Spiritual Qi. Civilization regressed, and the era of flourishing space stations and boundless advancement faded into myth. What remained was a realm in ruins—its people struggling to survive amid the wreckage of their former glory.

**234,331 years** later, Jun Tianyu is reborn as a frail youth named **Li Feng** in the **Shenghua Continent**, a land that openly condemns his past deeds. Rather than being celebrated as a hero, he is branded as a harbinger of doom. Shenghua’s historians claim that the disasters brought by Jun Tianyu far outweighed the blessings he bestowed. His name is now synonymous with catastrophe, and the blame for the fall of Tianlan Realm is placed squarely on his shoulders.

Reborn into a world that despises his legacy, Li Feng struggles with the burden of his past. With his memories and cultivation still intact, he vows to right the wrongs and restore the brilliance of Tianlan Realm. But he finds a society that has lost its way. The once-great techniques of cultivation have been forgotten, sects and clans are fractured, and the knowledge that once propelled Tianlan to its zenith has been buried under the sands of time. To reclaim what was lost, Li Feng embarks on a journey to unearth ancient artifacts, forgotten arts, and hidden truths.

He discovers records of the **Space Stations** that once orbited the planet and contained technology so advanced it rivaled the gods. But the secrets of the past come with dangers of their own. Li Feng realizes that the decline of the realm was not only caused by the instability of Spiritual Qi but also by the manipulations of unseen forces vying for control.

With a determination to restore the realm’s glory, Li Feng begins to gather allies, teaching long-lost techniques and introducing new philosophies to unite the fragmented powers of the Shenghua Continent. However, he faces fierce resistance from those who want to preserve the status quo, as well as sinister entities awakened by his reappearance.

As he unravels the mysteries of Tianlan’s decline, Li Feng learns that his resurrection has drawn the attention of powerful beings from beyond the cosmos—entities that wield powers that threaten the very existence of the realm. Can Li Feng, now viewed as a cursed reincarnation, rally the fractured world and guide it toward a new era of prosperity? Or will history repeat itself, plunging Tianlan Realm into an even greater catastrophe?



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