Little Thing Called 'Love'
Episode 16
Thugs leader
Where is she? I've been waiting for so long
Young master will be here soon
Aaron langston(ml)
*Walk inside*
Avantika (Fl)
*Run behind him*
Avantika (Fl)
*See thugs and hide behind Aaron*
Aaron langston(ml)
*Hold her and pull her to front*
Thugs leader
There you are, I've been looking for you,my sweetheart*Lustfull gaze*
Thugs leader
*Come forward and try to hold her hand*
Aaron langston(ml)
*Grab his hand*
Thugs leader
What is it,young man?Stay out of this.
Aaron langston(ml)
*Grip tighten*
Thugs leader
Oww,What the fVck
Aaron langston(ml)
*Throw him onto floor*
Aaron langston(ml)
Butler uncle,Take avantika upstairs
Yes young master *Bow and take Avantika inside*
Thugs leader
Hey where do you think you are going?
Thugs leader
*Try to hold her leg*
Aaron langston(ml)
*Step on his hand*
Thugs leader
Aaron langston(ml)
*Sit on couch like a king*
Thugs leader
Young man,seems like you took fancy to that orphan girl,If so I'll leave her to you
Thugs leader
But 2 conditions
Aaron langston(ml)
*Raise eyebrows*Condition?What condition?
Thugs leader
One,since I'm giving her to you,you should pay me
Aaron langston(ml)
*Eyes darken*
Aaron langston(ml)
What's the second?
Thugs leader
After you're done playing,you should give her back to me
Aaron langston(ml) *Cold glare*
Aaron langston(ml)
*Take a cigerette and lit it*
Aaron langston(ml)
*Inhale cigerette*
Aaron langston(ml)
Aaron langston(ml)
Aaron langston(ml)
Sir, something's not right
Aaron langston(ml)
You want to sell my women to me?
Aaron langston(ml)
Aaron langston(ml)
*Wipe hands*
Aaron langston(ml)
Guards,Take them to hospital and then to police station
Aaron langston(ml)
Don't tell anyone about this
Yes,young master
Aaron langston(ml)
Where is Avantika?
Miss is in garden
Aaron langston(ml)
*Throw towel into wastebin and walk to garden*
Sigh,Young master actually became soft
*Look at the thugs beaten to half death*
Still better than last time
*Walk away*
Hooman poteto
Love you all