Unexpected Marriage....(Taekook)

Unexpected Marriage....(Taekook)


Taehyung pov
I was standing in front of the mirror, just finished applying my lip balm and checked myself for the one last time to see how I look.
taehyung! Come!
My mother; kim jisoo, called me. I sighed, forming a smile and putting my heartbeat to normal by a deep breath and
Not afflicting my mind in any undesirable thought.
I yelled back and let out a sigh of disapproval again because no matter how much I dress up she will never notice me.
I tried so hard to tell myself that if she doesn't care, why would I? But, My heart just can't get it out of its head. I just can't do it.
My heart held those strange feelings for her for as long as I can remember.
Just a glimpse of her is enough for me and that's the whole reason why I am going to her brother's wedding.
Just a partial view of her is embedded deep into my soul. I have known her ever since my childhood.
My father and her father are like brothers. When my grandparents died, Uncle ji chang wook's parents took care of my father.
(We are all family)
That's what he told me, when I confessed. Just thinking about it breaks my tranquility and I am sure when I'm gonna come back,
I'm gonna cry all night remembering all those painful memories which were given to me by her.
Even though she did nothing, it still hurts me that she did 'nothing'.
Why can't she reconsider my feelings? I know you can't force yourself to love someone but you can try,
If it won't work, that's another matter. Even after that, I am still going. Just to test myself whether I can get over it or not.
I want to forget about her. That me falling for her, it was all a dream;


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