Self Discovery

Self Discovery

Ep 1

A girl was sitting, face-palming with her eyes closed on the ground. Her head was down. A debate was happening in her mind about her teacher, friends, family—their behavior towards her. Her mind was full of many thoughts, most of them sorrowful. Suddenly, the cold breeze touched her face as if someone had touched her. She was startled, then looked around, but there was no one, reminding her that she was alone. She grew sad. If anybody saw her, no one could tell she was sad unless they looked closely into her eyes and her hand gestures. Her long face made her seem like someone who was not interested in talking to anyone. She held her head, trying to stop her thoughts and let herself relax for a while. This led her to look straight ahead. She saw the breathtaking view of nature before her. Her eyes widened, taking in the moment, then softened and returned to normal, but something had changed. Her eyes were no longer dull but sparkling. She saw that the trees were dancing slowly with the wind as if they were playing with each other. Birds were chirping as if they were talking. Clouds were enhancing the view, looking like cotton candy. She felt like eating them, even though she wasn’t a fan of cotton candy.

She stood up, opening her arms wide to feel the wind through her whole body. She shivered as the wind passed through her clothes. Goosebumps made her relax. A beautiful smile formed on her face. She felt like her worry and tension were going away. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air. She felt like a bird flying in the sky, free to do anything, free to go anywhere. She wasn’t thinking about anyone or anything but freedom. The wind picked up, and her clothes flew. She started smiling widely and began waving her hands as if she were dancing with the wind as her partner, then started spinning with her hands open. She stumbled over her bag and landed directly on her butt. She felt a little pain but forgot about it when she looked at the view again. She lay down on the ground and gazed at the sky. Her eyes grew heavy as she hadn’t gotten good sleep, and eventually, she fell asleep. But after just five minutes...

Suddenly, a thunderstorm occurred, startling her awake. The rain was drizzling. Dark clouds formed all over the sky. She stood up with her bag to leave. She wanted to stay, but she knew she couldn’t remain there for too long, as she wasn’t allowed to have peace for long. Still, she was happy to have encountered such a beautiful moment in her life. She would always remember it. That place would be her peacemaker from now on. She said goodbye with a smile, and her eyes seemed to say, “We’ll meet soon my best friend forever"


Updated 3 Episodes


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