From My Blood to Your Sword (TaeJin, JiKook)

From My Blood to Your Sword (TaeJin, JiKook)


King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
In the final moments of the battle, the wounded Park Seok Jin fell to his knees.Taehyung’s sword had pierced his heart, and with one last, ragged breath,
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
In these last moments... Taehyung... please, tell me the truth... just once...
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
Do you.... Do you love me as much as I love you.......
With that, King Park Seok Jin took his final breath. Before Taehyung says anything Jin's life slipped away before Taehyung’s eyes.
Taehyung, bound by duty and oath, stood frozen, sword still pierced through Jin's chest. His hands trembled as his heart broke, knowing he had slain the one he loved most with his own sword. The once gleaming armor on his chest was now splattered with blood, and tears of sorrow mingled with the blood stains on his face.
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
I... I'm Sorry Jin...!!
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
Suddenly, a sharp blow struck Taehyung from behind, pain flaring through his body. Yet it was nothing compared to the agony of losing Jin.
Elsewhere, Commander Jungkook found the wounded Park Jimin at the edge of cliff, barely clinging to life.
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Jimin, upon seeing Jungkook, felt a brief moment of relief. His Alpha had come to save him. But just as Jungkook reached out, a shadowy figure emerged.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Kim Yoongi, filled with vengeance, struck Jimin, sending him over the cliff's edge.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Let's see how your Alpha saves you now!
Yoongi spat, his voice dripping with hatred.
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Jimin whispered, as he fell, his body spiraling towards the abyss below.
Without hesitation, Jungkook leaped off the cliff after him, heart pounding, determined to save the one he loved.
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
In the eastern lands lay the great Korean Empire
Ruled By The Mighty King Kim Namjoon
His army was unparalleled, with a force of 100,000 soldiers, feared by the entire world. No kingdom dared to challenge the power of his reign.
King Kim Namjoon had six queens, renowned across the lands for their unmatched beauty, celebrated as the most beautiful women in the world.
King Kim Namjoon's Queens
But while the king's rule was admired, it was his younger brother, Prince Kim Yoongi, who was truly feared.
Known as the cruelest prince in all the kingdoms, his reputation for ruthlessness spread far and wide, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard his name. He never married, despising the idea of marriage, children, and Omegas. His cruelty extended to punishing Omegas without cause, viewing them as weak and beneath his concern.
The commander of this formidable army was General Kim Taehyung
A warrior whose life was defined by the battlefield. His existence revolved around fighting and dying in the service of the crown.
As per ancient tradition, generals were forbidden from marrying, bound by an eternal oath to serve the king and honor the vows of their ancestors. This vow was passed down through generations, ensuring unwavering loyalty and the continuation of their bloodline’s duty to the throne.
One day, as King Kim Namjoon was making his way to court.
A tale of wonder reached his ears
It was during a council session, as he walked among his esteemed ministers, that a murmur arose—one that spoke of a distant kingdom, ruled not by a fierce Alpha, but by an Omega of unparalleled beauty. The ministers marveled at this king’s elegance, his radiance said to rival even the moon in her fullest glow.
The words stirred in the king’s heart, like a gentle breeze awakening the stillness of a lake.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
(King Namjoon pondered) How could it be? An Omega... seated upon the throne? And one whose beauty is beyond compare?
Curiosity wrapped itself around his thoughts like ivy around an ancient tree, firm and unyielding. The king, known for his wisdom and composure, found his mind wandering far from the matters of state that day. His heart, once steadfast in its duties, began to sway with a peculiar yearning.
Throughout the court’s proceedings, his mind drifted toward the image of this Omega king, a figure he had never seen, yet one who now lingered like a shadow upon his thoughts. The words of his ministers replayed in his mind, and an inexplicable attraction began to take root, growing deeper with every passing moment.
One evening, as the moon hung low in the sky, casting its silver glow upon the palace walls, King Kim Namjoon sat with his most trusted minister. Together, they shared cups of fine wine, the air thick with the warmth of drink and quiet contemplation.
In a moment of vulnerability, the king spoke, his voice heavy with the weight of his thoughts.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
How can an Omega be a king? (he wondered aloud, his brow furrowed)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Even if such a thing were true, how could an Omega possess such beauty? I, who have six queens, each more beautiful than the last, find myself lost in thoughts of this Omega. Why does his image haunt my mind?
The minister, wise and cunning, leaned closer, offering a low suggestion,
My lord, if it pleases you, this Omega need not remain a distant dream. You are the mighty King Kim Namjoon, ruler of all that you see.
If you so desire, you could summon this Omega to your feet. Make him your servant, a mere possession within your grand palace.
King Namjoon swirled the wine in his cup, his gaze distant, as if seeing beyond the horizon. The minister’s words echoed in his mind, tempting him.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Make him my servant... (Namjoon murmured, a flicker of interest in his eyes)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Yet, what is it about this Omega that stirs such restlessness within me? It is not power that I seek over him. It is... something more.
The king set his cup down, a quiet resolve forming in his heart.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
No. I must see him for myself. Only then will I understand why my thoughts refuse to leave him.
The minister bowed his head, sensing the king’s growing determination.
As you wish, my lord. A word from you, and the Omega will be brought before your eyes.
King Namjoon, his heart steady but his mind still clouded with questions, rose from his seat.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
No. (he said, his voice calm but firm)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
I will not summon him like a mere servant. I will travel to his kingdom. Only then will I know if the tales are true, and why his existence consumes my thoughts.
The minister, taken aback, looked up.
You will go yourself, my king?




can't wait for next update 👀










The starting 😳



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