How Could He Not Fall for Her?

How Could He Not Fall for Her?

.... Dahlia's parents

Knight: Your highness there here
Damnit get my wife here right away and take all warriors out there to fight them off
Knight: most of our warriors are bed sick you're highness from the last fight
(sighs) fine as much warriors as you can
Knight: yes sir (tell the king's wife to go to him and then does as the king told him)
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
Yes Aaron? (she says with great concern)
Aaron (Dahlia
Aaron (Dahlia's father)
My brother is going to destroy our kingdom
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
What? ....but- said we were fine?
Aaron (Dahlia
Aaron (Dahlia's father)
Well.... apparently I was wrong Nora
Aaron (Dahlia
Aaron (Dahlia's father)
I need you to take Dahlia and get out of here
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
...and leave you? You will die!!
Aaron (Dahlia
Aaron (Dahlia's father)
I know but it's the only way-
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
No! There must be ..there must be another way
Aaron (Dahlia
Aaron (Dahlia's father)
Now leave now before it's too late
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
....fine..but you promise you'll come back for me
Aaron (Dahlia
Aaron (Dahlia's father)
I promise.
The moment he said it he knew it would be almost impossible but he'd do it cause he had promised her. His love.
Enora ran to her daughter's room and woke her up
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
Dahl.... Dahlia get up darling (she shakes her daughter up)
Young Dahlia
Young Dahlia
Wh...what is it Mama?
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
darling we need to go now so follow me
The 24 year old mother and her 14 year old daughter ran to the hidden room. They heard someone coming after them and ran faster.
Enemy Warrior: is that you Enora? Hah! You think you can run away?
Enora (Dahlia
Enora (Dahlia's mother)
(Before she could get in her body was impaled with a sword but before she died she had shut the hidden door that had her daughter in it)
Young Dahlia
Young Dahlia
(there was a small little area where she could see and she saw her mother's death. She wanted to scream but she couldn't she was...just in shock)
Young Dahlia
Young Dahlia
Aaron had ran through the hall covered in blood from fighting off warriors when he came up on his dead wife
He knelt to the ground not seeing the warrior he was in so much pain that he didn't notice the warrior.
He held his wife whilst crying which is anyone heard that they'd call you a liar. Because everyone knew that a King was not one to cry especially King Aaron.
But he did cry and all he could hope was that his daughter was safe.
Next thing his daughter had witnessed was her father's death the warrior put up his sword and slashed her father's neck making his head fall to the ground. She wanted to scream...or warn her father...but nothing came out....Not A. Single. Word.
After hours of listening she didn't see anyone and had figured everyone had left so she opened the door and walked out. Her father and mother were taken to the King so he could brag about how he was the King
Dahlia didn't know what to do ...what to live for.
She slowly walked to her parents bedroom and layed on their bed just wanting her family again.


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