The Island and Him

The Island and Him

Introduction: Fainted

I can't breathe, I can't breathe. He's hugging me.

This boy is hugging me.

I can't breathe, I can't. My head is spinning. I feel like I'm going to faint. He- he just killed his uncle! His uncle is now lifeless beside me. I-I can't see. I need to...

Huff, Huff.

I'm hyperventilating. I can't stop trembling. His uncle's hand is on my lap. Why is it on my lap? I can feel his uncle's blood between my legs now. It-its still warm. Why is this kid still hugging me? I want to push him. I want to kick him away from me.

I want to, but my entire body is shaking.

I need to concentrate, concentrate.  My breathing. I-i can't.

"It's fine now, so take gentle breaths in.

My mother explained that the faster you breathe in and out, the more oxygen you lose , and the more carbon dioxide is trapped inside you. Breathing in slowly is quite helpful. Hannah and I shared a similar experience. Try inhaling slowly, okay? Trust me."

What? What is this kid saying? What the f**k is he saying? I can't follow. Why is he calm? Why is he smiling? Does he know he just killed his uncle?

Is he, is he instructing me on what to do? He is scaring me more right now by patting my back. I can't see anything. My heart is thumping hard. I can feel my pulse in my head, my chest and in my fingers. It's radiating all over my body. I can hear it loud and clear. I can hear it more than the noise around me. My view is swirling. I need to get out of here. 

"Hey! Don't try to get up older sister. You'll get yourself hurt."

Hurt? Is he planning to kill me next? Ugh, my stomach. Did I get hit in the stomach?

I feel sick. Ergh....blurgh!

"Now look, you vomited. See~ I told you. You should stay put."

I'm not supposed to be here. I need to find my aunt.

The door, I see the door.

"Hey older sis, come back. You're not safe out there!"



When did this all happen?

Ah, yes.

It was a week ago.

My mother had requested me to go see her sister a week earlier. To go see Aunt Marie on some island. I solely communicated with my aunt through online platforms such as WhatsUp and Messager. What would it have been if I had denied my mother's request back then? When I should have gone to karaoke with my buddies after volleyball practice, or simply ignored her appeal and went straight to bed to rest. I don't think I'd be stuck here on this island. I would have continued to live a quiet life away from this wild stupid island. I miss mom and dad, my brother, and my friends.

I clearly recall the sunlight streaming in through the window beside my bed. The breeze that came through the window. And my alarm clock.


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